Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Applications / 135

scHolarsHiP aPPlication essays


While much of a scholarship application is devoted to grades, test scores, finan-
cial statements, and letters of recommendation, and while part of the application
requires mere lists or brief statements, another part of many scholarship applica-
tions requires you to develop an essay response to some general topic. Topics range
from the very broad (Why is a good education important?) to the highly personal
(What peculiar family problems suggest need for financial assistance?).

Scholarship applications, like college admission applications, establish your identity,
setting you apart from the hundreds or thousands of other applicants. As a result,
your essay response should accomplish two purposes:

-^ allow your reader to know you personally, to see you as an individual among
the hordes of other applicants

  • prove^ that^ you^ are^ mentally^ alert,^ fluent,^ and^ personable

Both goals can be met by a well-written, carefully developed essay response.


No matter the scholarship’s dollar value, competition demands your care in preparing
the application and, especially, a required accompanying essay. Although you should
follow the same general process of prewriting, writing, revising, and proofreading as
for any essay, the following guidelines should be helpful for this specific task.

STEP 1: Prewriting—Allowing Time

Scholarships sometimes mean the difference between ongoing education or not.
Thus, never rush the process of completing the application, including the prepara-
tion of a sparkling essay. Consider the following timing issues:

-^ Allow at least a week for writing, rewriting, and setting aside the essay for
several days to let it “cool.” Away from the heat of the initial writing, you will
have fresh eyes through which to evaluate your work and revise it.
-^ Allow time for others to read and offer suggestions for revisions. Turn to
family, counselors, and/or teachers for their valuable suggestions.
-^ Allow adequate time for preparing and perhaps reformatting the final
manuscript so that it appears immaculate.
-^ Allow for unforeseen delays, providing a cushion between the deadline date
and your submission.

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