Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 205

For a Letter of Complaint

  • the order, identification, serial, catalog, or part number of the consumer item

  • the name of the consumer item

  • the date of purchase or of the agreement, contract, lease, or other business

  • a specific explanation of the problem

  • the name and/or title of any company representative with whom you have
    previously talked regarding the problem

  • a reference to any guarantee or warranty agreement

  • an explanation of what you want done to correct the problem

  • photocopies of any information that may aid the resolution of your complaint

  • an attitude of courtesy and tact, regardless of your frustration or anger

For a Letter to Accompany a Resume

  • an inside address and a salutation naming the specific person who makes
    personnel decisions

  • a polite reference to the company, its product line, its reputation, or, if you
    have met, a polite reference to the person addressed

  • a reference to the accompanying resume

  • emphasis on your areas of greatest strength as a potential employee

  • an expression of willingness to learn new skills, travel, relocate, work irregular
    hours, begin with a part-time position, and so on

STEP 3: Writing—Developing the Ideas into a Letter

With the preliminary work completed, developing the body of the letter should go
quickly. As you write, remember a few guidelines:

  • Get to the point immediately.

  • Provide any necessary details to clarify your point for the reader.

  • Be concise.

  • End with a courteous sentence.

STEP 4: Revising—Checking the Content

Check the content of your letter for accuracy. Ask yourself the following questions as
a guide for possible revision:

  • Does the first sentence state the purpose of the letter?

  • Are adequate details included in order that the addressee can understand my
    point and, if necessary, respond?

  • Have I avoided excess verbiage and complicated sentences?

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