Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

206 / Types of Writing

  • Is^ my^ letter^ courteous,^ polite,^ businesslike?
    -^ Does the final sentence conclude the letter courteously without compromising
    my position?

Make revisions. Then follow the guidelines in Step 5 as you type a final copy.

STEP 5: Revising—Typing the Final Copy

As you type the final copy of your letter, ask yourself these questions to address accu-
racy and appearance. Check additional details in the proofreading section that follows.

  • Does^ the^ letterhead^ begin^ an^ inch^ from^ the^ top^ of^ the^ page?

  • Does^ the^ correct^ date^ appear^ at^ least^ a^ double^ space^ below^ the^ letterhead?
    -^ Does the inside address begin four to ten spaces below the date to adjust for
    -^ Is the inside address accurate and complete, including a current title or
    position of the addressee?

  • Does^ the^ salutation^ begin^ two^ spaces^ below^ the^ inside^ address?

  • Are^ all^ words^ in^ the^ salutation^ capitalized^ accurately?

  • Is^ the^ salutation^ appropriate^ for^ the^ occasion^ and^ followed^ by^ a^ colon?
    -^ Does the body begin two spaces below the salutation and follow a consistent

  • Is^ the^ body^ typed^ single-spaced^ with^ a^ double^ space^ between^ paragraphs?
    -^ Are the left and right margins nearly equal, the left margin even and the right
    margin as nearly even as possible?
    -^ If my letter runs onto a second page, have I avoided having only three or four
    lines on the second page?
    -^ If I must divide a paragraph at the bottom of page one, have I included at least two
    lines of the paragraph on page one and at least two lines on the top of page two?
    -^ Does the second page begin one inch from the top with a heading that includes
    the name of the addressee, the page number, and the date?

  • Have^ I^ started^ page^ two^ of^ the^ body^ of^ the^ letter^ three^ lines^ below^ the^ heading?

  • Have^ I^ maintained^ the^ same^ side^ margins^ on^ the^ second^ page^ as^ on^ the^ first?

  • Does^ the^ closing^ appear^ two^ lines^ below^ the^ body?

  • Is^ only^ the^ first^ word^ of^ the^ closing^ capitalized?

  • Is^ the^ closing^ appropriate^ and^ followed^ by^ a^ comma?

  • Is^ my^ signature^ in^ blue^ or^ black^ ink,^ signed,^ not^ printed?
    -^ Does the typewritten signature appear four lines below the closing in order to
    allow room for the written signature?
    -^ Does my written signature omit all titles or references to position, such as Mr.,
    Dr., Ms., Professor, or Manager?
    -^ Is the typewritten signature accurate, including any necessary designations of
    title or position?

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