Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 207

-^ Are any other necessary notations included, such as copy lines, attention lines,
subject lines, and so on?
-^ Is the format consistent, either in block form or in one of the two modified-
block forms?

  • Are^ the^ top^ and^ bottom^ margins^ nearly^ equal?

Make any necessary revisions based on the preceding guiding questions. If necessary,
for the sake of an immaculate, businesslike appearance, reprint the letter.

STEP 6: Proofreading—Checking the Technical Details

Check grammar, mechanics, and usage. [See Part IV for rules and examples.] In addi-
tion, consider the following questions as you proofread:

-^ Have I punctuated the letterhead correctly, using a comma between the city
and state but no punctuation between the state and zip code?

  • Did^ I^ include^ a^ comma^ between^ the^ day^ of^ the^ month^ and^ the^ year?
    -^ Have I punctuated the inside address correctly, using a comma to separate the
    name of the addressee from his title or position if both are listed on the same
    line? Did I punctuate the address correctly?

  • Have^ I^ maintained^ accurate^ capitalization^ throughout?

  • Do^ I^ use^ accurate^ terminology^ throughout^ the^ letter?

  • Is^ my^ spelling^ absolutely^ correct?^ Do^ not^ rely^ on^ spell-checkers.^ Incorrect^
    words correctly spelled will slip by.

  • In^ the^ case^ of^ alternate^ spellings,^ do^ I^ use^ the^ preferred^ spelling?^ Check^ a^
    dictionary as a final reference.
    -^ When you have typed a final copy, proofread it carefully and sign it. The letter
    is ready to prepare for mailing.

STEP 7: Proofreading—The Final Step

In order to maintain an immaculate, businesslike appearance, this section discusses
three final points: addressing the envelope, folding the letter, and sending the letter.

Addressing the Envelope. Follow these steps:

  1. Use a plain white envelope, preferably letter-size.

  2. Put your return address, including your name, in the upper-left corner of the
    envelope, using the same style as you used in the heading of the letter.

  3. Begin the mailing address on line 14 of a letter-size envelope and on line 12 of a
    small envelope. Start at the vertical center of the envelope. The mailing address
    should appear exactly as it does in the inside address of the letter.

  4. Be sure to add sufficient postage.

Folding the Letter. If you are using a long envelope, fold your letter in thirds, fold-
ing the bottom third toward the top and then the top third down. Insert the letter

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