Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Letters / 221

  • Did^ I^ use^ an^ appropriate^ salutation^ followed^ by^ a^ colon?
    -^ Is the spacing accurate between the letterhead and the inside address, between
    the inside address and the salutation, and between the salutation and the body
    of the letter?

  • Is^ the^ closing^ appropriate^ for^ a^ letter^ to^ the^ editor?

  • Have^ I^ signed^ the^ letter?

  • Have^ I^ included^ my^ daytime^ phone^ number?
    -^ Is the spacing accurate between the body of the letter and the closing and
    between the closing and the signature?
    -^ Have I followed a consistent style, either the block, the modified-block, or the
    modified-block style with indented paragraphs?

  • Is^ my^ letter^ neat^ and^ businesslike?

If you used the less formal format, ask yourself these questions:

-^ Did I begin with the salutation Dear Editor^ to^ identify^ my^ purpose?

  • Have^ I^ limited^ my^ letter^ to^ a^ single^ page?
    -^ Did I maintain standard margins (2" at the top, 1" at the left, right, and

  • Is^ my^ letter^ double-spaced,^ neat,^ and^ free^ from^ typing^ or^ printing^ errors?
    -^ Does my name appear on the page, preferably at the bottom, along with my
    address and daytime phone number?

You should be able to answer “yes” to these questions.

When you are satisfied, fold the letter and mail it in a properly addressed envelope.
[See Step 7 in Business Letters earlier in this chapter for tips.]


The following letter to the editor expresses the writer’s opinion regarding an upcom-
ing congressional election. Compare the letter with the persuasive essay [see Chapter
13, Persuasion] and the opinion essay [see Chapter 12, Opinion], both of which deal
with the same subject. By comparing the three, you can better understand the letter
to the editor.

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