Student Writing Handbook Fifth+Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • Do^ I^ maintain^ the^ use^ of^ the^ nominative^ case^ after^ a^ linking^ verb?^ [See Pronoun
    Usage in Chapter 43, Usage.]

  • Have^ I^ avoided^ using^ the^ adjective^ form^ when^ the^ adverb^ form^ is^ required?^ [See^
    Adjective and Adverb Usage in Chapter 43, Usage.]

These questions, answered positively, should allow you to proofread successfully
and, therefore, produce an accurate final copy.

The many steps from prewriting to proofreading may portray writing as a nearly
insurmountable task. Not so! The more you write, the more these general guidelines
will play in your mind. And the more that happens, the easier it is to spot weak-
nesses on your own.

Part II provides step-by-step processes and cross-curricular models for ten common
methods of developing anything, paragraph or paper, for any subject or any task.
Part III provides step-by-step instruction and models for writing a particular prod-
uct. Applied to specific situations, the process described in this part takes on new
emphasis. Your understanding of these general guidelines for prewriting, writing,
revising, and proofreading can help you whisk through any writing task you may
face, in class, at work, or at home.

46 / Basics of Good Writing

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