Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Credits 1061

Chapter 12—12-1:The Art Archive/Dagli Orti;12-2:© Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS;
12-4:Photo, Henri Stierlin;12-6:Archivio e Studio Folco Quilici, Roma;12-8:Canali Photobank,
Italy ;12-9:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-10:Canali Photobank, Italy;12-11:Canali Photobank,
Italy ;12-12:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-13:© Ronald Sheraton/Ancient Art and Architecture
Collection Ltd.;12-14:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;12-15:© British
Museum/HIP/Art Resource, NY;12-15A:The Art Archive/Episcopal Museum Ravenna/Gianni
Dagli Orti/Picture Desk;12-16:Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Bildarchiv, 1, fol. 6v;12-17:Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Ms. Laur. Plut. 1.56, c. 13v;
12-17A:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-18:© Ronald Sheraton/Ancient Art and Architecture
Collection Ltd.;12-18A:© The Bridgeman Art Library International;12-19:© Erich
Lessing/Art Resource, NY;12-20:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-22:© Vanni/Art Resource, NY;
12-22A:© Kurt Scholz/SuperStock;12-23:Studio Kontos;12-24:© Alinari/Art Resource, NY;
12-24A:© Cameraphoto Arte, Venice/Art Resource, NY;12-24B:© Werner Forman/Art Re-
source, NY;12-25:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-25A:© Mimmo Jodice/CORBIS Art/CORBIS;
12-26:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;12-27:Josephine Powell;12-28:
© Snark/Art Resource, NY;12-29:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-30:Kariye Camii, Istanbul,
Turkey, © Held Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;12-30A:© Vanni/Art Resource, NY;
12-31:Icon Gallery of Saint Clement, Ohrid;12-32:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;12-33:
© Scala/Art Resource, NY;12-33A:State Historical Cultural Museum, Kremlin, Moscow.
Chapter 13—13-1:The Art Archive/Dagli Orti;13-2:© Moshe Shai/CORBIS;13-3:
© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;13-4:Photo Archives Skira, Geneva, Switzerland;13-5:
Photo, Henri Stierlin;13-7:© Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/Art Resource, NY;13-8
(left):© Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS;13-9:Photo, Henri Stierlin;13-10:© E. Simanor/
Robert Harding Picture Library;;13-12:www.bednorz-;13-13:© Adam Woolfit/Robert Harding Picture Library;13-14:© Musée Lorrain,
Nancy, France/photo G. Mangin;13-14A:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource,
NY;13-15:© The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg;13-16:© The Trustees of the
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin;13-16A:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;
13-16B:Photo: Katya Kallsen © President and Fellows of Harvard College;13-17:© Toyohiro
Yamada/Getty Images/Taxi;13-18:Photo, Henri Stierlin;13-20:Photo, Henri Stierlin;13-20A:
© The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Resource, NY;13-21:Photo, Henri Stierlin;13-22:
Photo Henri Stierlin;13-24:© SEF/Art Resource, NY;13-25:Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1939 (39.20) Photograph © 1982 The Metropolitan Museum of
Art;13-26:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;13-27:AKTC 2005.01 [M200] © Aga Khan
Trust for Culture, formerly in the collection of Prince and Princess Sadruddin Aga Khan;
13-28:© Victoria & Albert Museum, London/Art Resource, NY;13-29:© Copyright the
Trustees of The British Museum;13-30:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource,
NY;13-31: Freer Gallery of Art Washington, D.C., Purchase, F1941.10.
Chapter 14—14-1:© The British Museum/HIP/The Image Works;14-2:© Danny Lehman/
CORBIS;14-3:© Werner Forman/Art Resource NY;14-4:Los Angeles County Museum of Art,
The Proctor Stafford Collection, purchased with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Balch.
Photograph © 2006 Museum Associates/LACMA;14-5:© Georg Gerster/Photo Researchers,
Inc.;14-6:© Gianni Dagli Orti/CORBIS;14-7:The Art Archive/Dagli Orti;14-7A:Image © The
Cleveland Museum of Art;14-8:© Philip Baird;14-9:© Sean Sprague/
The Image Works;14-10:© Enzo and Paolo Rogazzini/CORBIS;14-10A:© Charles & Josette
Lenars/CORBIS;14-11:akg-images/François Guénet;14-12:© 2007 Peabody Museum of
Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge. 48-63-20/17561 T1021.2 (detail);
14-12A:Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, Washington, D.C.;14-13:© Danny
Lehman/CORBIS;14-14:© Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS;14-15:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;
14-16:© Yann Arthus-Bertrand/ CORBIS;14-17:© Jonathan Blair/CORBIS;14-18:Metro-
politan Museum of Art, NY, Jan Mitchell and Sons Collection. Gift of Jan Mitchell, 1991
(1991.419.31) Photography by Justin Kerr. Photograph © 1984 The Metropolitan Museum of
Art;14-19:© Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Lima, Peru;14-20:Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
William A. Paine Fund, 1931, 31.501. Photograph © 2008 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston;14-21:
Peru, South Coast, Nazca Culture, Dome-shaped jar depicting ceremonial figure, 50–200 A.D.,
ceramic, 15 15 cm, Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.2128, The Art Institute of Chicago.
Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago;14-22:© Charles & Josette Lenars/CORBIS;14-23:
© Nathan Benn/ CORBIS;14-24:Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan/Lambayeque, Peru;14-25:
© Hubert Stadler/ CORBIS;14-26:© National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and
History of Peru;14-27:© Werner Forman/CORBIS;14-28:© Ohio Historical Society;14-29:
© Tony Linck/ SuperStock;14-29A:© Michael S. Lewis/Encyclopedia/CORBIS;14-30:
© Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY;14-31:Southwest, Mimbres Culture, Bowl, c. 1100–1250,
ceramic, pigment, Purchased from Mr. George Teraski. Hugh L. and Mary T. Adams Fund
income, 1976-306. Photography © The Art Institute of Chicago;14-32:© Kevin Fleming/
CORBIS;14-32A:© Richard A. Cooke/Encyclopedia/CORBIS.
Chapter 15—15-1: © Charles & Josette Lenars/CORBIS;15-2:© Jean-Dominique Lajoux;
15-3:Photograph © 1980 Dirk Bakker;15-4:© IZIKO Museum of Cape Town;15-5:Photo-
graph © 1980 Dirk Bakker;15-5A:©Dirk Bakker;15-6:Photograph © 1980 Dirk Bakker;
15-6A:© Ancient Art and Architecture Collection Ltd./The Bridgeman Art Library Interna-
tional;15-6B:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;15-7:Photograph by Franko Khoury, National Mu-
seum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, Museum purchase, 86-12-1;15-8:© Yann
Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS;15-9:© Gavin Hellier/Getty Images/Robert Harding Picture
Library;15-10:© I. Vanderharst/Getty Images/Robert Harding Picture Library;15-11:©Great
Zimbabwe Site Museum, Great Zimbabwe;15-12:Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Michael C.
Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1972. (1978.412.323) Photo-
graph © 1995 The Metropolitan Museum of Art;15-12A:© Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY;
15-13:© British Museum/HIP/Art Resource, NY;15-14:© Museo Nazionale Preistorico e
Etnografico Luigi Pigorini, Rome.
Chapter 16—16-1:© British Library/HIP/Art Resource, NY;16-2:© Réunion des Musées
Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;16-3:© British Museum/HIP/Art Resource, NY;16-3A:©The
Trustees of The British Museum/Art Resource, NY;16-4:University Museum of National
Antiquities, Oslo, Norway. Eirik Irgens Johnsen;16-4A:© Christophe Boisvieux/Terra/CORBIS;

16-5:© Erich Lessing/ Art Resource, NY;16-6:© The Board of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland/
The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;16-7:akg-images/British Library;16-8:© The Board of Trinity
College, Dublin, Ireland/The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;16-9:Courtesy Saskia Ltd., © Dr. Ron
Wiedenhoeft;16-9A:© Michael Jenner/Robert Harding;16-10:The Art Archive/Dagli Orti;
16-11:Archivo Historico Nacional, Madrid;16-12:© Louvre, Paris, France, Lauros/Giraudon/
The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;16-13:Kunsthistorisches Museums, Wien;16-13A:akg-images;
16-14:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;16-15:University Library, Utrecht;16-15A:Universit y
Library, Utrecht;16-16:© The Pierpont Morgan Library/Art Resource, NY;16-18:© Aachen
Cathedral, Aachen, Germany, Bildarchiv Steffens/The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;16-19:akg-
images;16-19A:©Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library;16-20:www.bednorz-photo
.de;16-20A:Hirmer Verlag GMBH;;16-22:www.bednorz-;16-23A:The Art Archive/Gianni Dagli Orti/Picture Desk;16-24:Photo: Dom-
Museum, Hildesheim (Frank Tomio);16-24A:© The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Re-
source, NY;16-25:Photo: Dom-Museum, Hildesheim (Frank Tomio);16-26:Rheinisches
Bildarchiv;16-27:Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich;16-28:Bayerische Staatsbibliothek,
Munich;16-28A:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;16-29:Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek, Munich;16-29A:Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich.
Chapter 17—17-1:© Vanni/Art Resource, NY;17-2:Claude Huber;17-2A:© Vanni/Art
Resource, NY;17-2B:Photo © AISA/The Bridgeman Art Library;17-4:Jean Dieuzaide;17-4A:
© Scala/Art Resource, NY;17-6:akg-images/Stefan Drechsel;17-6A:akg-images/Andrea
Jemolo;17-7:The Art Archive /Dagli Orti;17-7A:Koenemann GmbH/Photo: Achim Bednorz/;17-9 (left):© Michael Busselle/ Robert Harding Picture Library;17-9
(right):© St. Pierre, Moissac, France, Peter Willi/The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;17-9A:©John
Bethell/The Bridgeman Art Library;17-11:akg-images/Elizabeth Disney;17-12:akg-images/
Paul M.R. Maeyaert;17-12A:© Giraudon/Art Resource, NY;17-12B:© The Bridgeman Art
Library International;17-13:Hervé Champollion/ akg-images;;
17-13B:© Peter Willi/The Bridgeman Art Library International;;
17-15:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;17-15A:Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris;17-15B:
© Giraudon/Art Resource, NY;17-16 (left);17-16 (right):© Vanni/
Art Resource, NY;17-17:Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Maria Antoinette Evans Fund, 21.1285.
Photograph © 2008 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston;17-18:The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift
of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916. (16.32.194) Photograph © 1999 The Metropolitan Museum of Art;
17-18A:The Art Archive/Abbaye de Saint Foy Conques/Gianni Dagli Orti/Picture Desk;17-19:
© Florian Monheim,;17-20:Pubbli Aer Foto;17-21:Canali Photo-
bank, Italy;17-22:Abtei St. Hildegard;17-22A:Fondation Martin Bodmer, Bibliothèque and
Musée;17-23:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;17-24:Photograph Speldoorn © Musées royaux d’Art
et d’Histoire - Brussels;17-25:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;17-26:akg-images/Rabatti–Domingie;
17-27:© Massimo Listri/CORBIS;17-27A:Canali Photobank, Italy;17-28:www.bednorz-photo
.de;;17-30:Universal Art Images;17-31:© Anthony Scibilia/Art
Resource, NY;17-33 (left):© Angelo Hornak/CORBIS;17-35:By special permission of the City
of Bayeux;17-36:The Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge;17-36A:
© British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/The Bridgeman Art Library;17-37:Trinity
College, Cambridge, England. MS R.17.1.f.283, Eadwine the Scribe.
Chapter 18—18-1:© Angelo Hornak/CORBIS;18-2A: The Art Archive/Gianni Dagli
Orti/Picture Desk;;18-5:© Vanni/Art Resource, NY;18-6:
© Vanni/Art Resource, NY;18-7:© SuperStock, Inc./SuperStock;18-8:© Angelo Hornak/
CORBIS;18-9:Courtesy Saskia Ltd., © Dr. Ron Wiedenhoeft;18-11:Hirmer Fotoarchiv,
Munich;18-13:© Marc Garanger/CORBIS;18-15:© Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France,
Paul Maeyaert/The Bridgeman Art Library, NY;18-16:© Giraudon/ Art Resource, NY;Page
472:© Angelo Hornak/CORBIS;;18-18:© Anthony Scibilia/
Art Resource, NY;18-19:Hirmer Fotoarchiv, Munich;18-20:© Anthony Scibilia/Art Resource,
NY;18-21:Hirmer Fotoarchiv, Munich;18-22:© Anthony Scibilia/ Art Resource, NY;18-23:;18-23A:The Art Archive/Gianni Dagli Orti/Picture Desk;18-24:
© Scala/Art Resource, NY;18-25:© Giraudon/Art Resource, NY;18-25A:akg-images/
Schütze/Rodemann;;18-27:Courtesy Saskia Ltd., © Dr. Ron
Wiedenhoeft;18-28:© Adam Woolfitt/CORBIS;;18-30:
© Giraudon/Art Resource, NY;18-32:Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. Bildarchiv.
folio 1 verso of a moralized Bible;18-31:Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France;18-33:© The
Pierpont Morgan Library/Art Resource, NY;18-34:Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France;
18-35:Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France;18-36:© Snark/Art Resource, NY;18-36A:The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters Collection, 1954 (54.1.2) Image © The Metropoli-
tan Museum;18-37:© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY;18-38:Photo © The
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore. Acquired by Henry Walters, 1923. Accession No. 71.264;18-39:
© English Heritage;18-41:© Archivo Iconografico, S.A./CORBIS;18-42:© Scala/Art Resource,
NY;18-43:© Werner Forman/CORBIS;18-44:© Angelo Hornak/CORBIS;18-44A:The Dean
and Chapters of Hereford/Hereford Mappa Mundi Trust;18-45: © Felix Zaska/CORBIS;18-46:
© Svenja-Foto/zefa/CORBIS;;18-47A:© 2005 Ken Phillips;;;18-49A:akg-images/Hilbich;
18-50:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;18-51:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;18-52:
© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;18-52A:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;18-53:© Erich
Lessing/Art Resource, NY.
Chapter 19—19-1:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-2:Canali Photobank, Italy;19-3:
© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-4:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-5:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;
19-5A:© Alinari/Art Resource, NY;19-5B:© Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY;19-6:Photo
by Ralph Lieberman;19-7:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-8:© Summerfield Press/CORBIS;
19-8A:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-9:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-9A:© Alinari/Art
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© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-11:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-11A:© Scala/Art Resource,
NY;19-12:Canali Photobank, Italy;19-12A:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-13:Canali Photo-
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19-16:© Scala/ Art Resource, NY;19-16A:© Scala/Art Resource, NY;19-17:© Scala/Art
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