Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1067

Aphrodite (Venus), 101, 129,129,130, 138,
155; statue of, 137, 150, 561
Aphrodite of Knidos(Praxiteles), 137,137,
560,5-62A, 5-83A, 23-7A
Apocalypse, 412, 440, 444, 445, 466
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 918, 921,35-18A
Apollinaris, Saint, 321
Apollo, 101, 113, 225, 254, 662, 663, 700;
sanctuary of, 274; statue of, 103, 146, 586
Apollo 11 Cave, 18, 23, 405; stone plaques
from, 16, 16
Apollo and Daphne(Bernini),24-7A
Apollo Attended by the Nymphs(Girardon
and Regnaudin), 699–700,699,24-7A
Apollo Belvedere,24-7A
Apollodorus of Damascus,141, 269, 275;
work of,238,264–265,264, 266
Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius and
Faustina, 272
Apotheosis of Homer(Ingres),782, 783
Apotheosis of the Pisani Family(Tiepolo),
756, 757
Apoxymenos(Lysippos), 139
Apparition, The(Moreau),31-23A
Apprentices, 510, 528, 708, 897
Apulu of Veii, 225, 226,226,227, 228
Aqueducts, 258,258, 344
Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace),
256,262, 263, 320; described, 256–257;
female personification panel of, 256
Arc de Triomphe, 793
Arcadia, 605, 692
Arcadianism, 607
Arcadius, 301, 311
Arch of Constantine,238,282–283,283,291,
569,16-20A;detail from,283;tondi on,
Arch of Septimius Severus, 277, 291; relief
from, 277
Arch of Titus,238,262–263,262,266, 277;
relief panel from, 263
Arch of Trajan, 266–267,267,10-47A
Archaic period (Greece), 105–118, 224;
architecture of, 109, 111–113; art of, 155,
235, 473; sculpture of, 109, 111–113;
statuary of, 106–109, 122
Archaic smile, 106, 107, 151, 155
Archangel Michael: icon,12-24B;ivory
of, 324
Archers of Saint Hadrian(Hals), 681–682,
681, 684
Arches, 315, 353; chancel, 385, 509; corbeled,
91,92; diaphragm, 452,452;ogee, 489, 515;
ogival, 464, 562; pointed, 443, 464,464,
469; semicircular, 464,464;transverse, 436,
455, 464; triumphal, 262, 282, 555
Archipenko, Aleksandr,952; work of,
924–925, 925
Architectonic Painting(Popova),35-54A
Architectural design/materials, Gehry on, 1012
Architecture,2;landscape,48;orders of,110
Architecture of democracy, 965, 966, 967
Ardabil carpets, 360
Arena Chapel (Giotto),496,504–505,
Aristotle, 139, 227, 342, 466, 541, 587, 629;
Hippodamos and, 146; statue of, 586
Arles, France: Saint-Trophîme,17-13A
Armored Train(Severini), 928, 928
Armory Show (1913), 908, 937, 945, 953,
967; described, 934–935; installation
photo of, 934
Arneson, Robert:work of, 1001, 1001
Arnolfini, Giovanni, 524–525, 526
Arnolfo di Cambio:work of, 513–514,514,
Arp, Jean (Hans):work of, 929, 929

Arrival of Marie de’ Medici at Marseilles
(Rubens), 676, 676
Art and Progress,on Armory Show, 934
Art brut, 971, 972,36-31A
Art Deco, 863, 964, 965
Art history, 1–2; in 21st century, 2–12; art
market and, 83; public understanding of,
1002; Schneemann on, 1018
Art Institute of Chicago, Grosz and, 953
Art market, 680; archaeology/art history
and, 83
Art News,Lichtenstein in, 983
Art Nouveau, 842, 846–847, 848, 851,
35-72A;Arts and Crafts movement and,
846; Symbolism and, 841
Artaxerxes I, 49
Arte de Calimala, 506
Arte della Lana, 506
Artemis and Apollo slaying the children of
Niobe (Niobid Painter), 135
Artemision Zeus, 122, 123,123, 124
Artist painting a marble statue of Herakles
(Apulian krater),5-63A
Artists: humanists’ view of,23-5A;medieval,
individuality of,17-22A;medieval, status
Arts, The:Zayas in, 924
Arts and Crafts movement, 829, 842, 847,
848, 851; Art Nouveau and, 846; Morris
and, 913
Artumes, 225, 226
Asante (Ghana), 907; art of, 897–898
Ascension of Christ, Rabbula Gospels,325, 325
Ash Can School, 933
Ashikaga shogunate, 738, 749
Ashikaga Takauji, 735
Ashlar masonry, 60, 315, 859, 860, 869
Ashoka, 163,6-6A;Buddhism and, 161–162;
Great Stupa and, 179; statue of, 716, 716
Ashokan pillars,6-6A
Ashur, 33, 45
Ashurbanipal: relief of,46,135; Susa and, 47
Ashurnasirpal II, 46; relief, from Kalhu
(modern Nimrud),2-22A
Asklepios (Aesculapius), 101, 143
Asmat, 887; art of, 873–875; bisj poles by,
874–875, 874
Aspects of Negro Life, From Slavery through
Assemblages, 982
Assisi, Italy: San Francesco,19-5A
Assumption of the Virgin(Correggio), 618, 618
Assumption of the Virgin(Riemenschneider),
535, 535
Assumption of the Virgin(Titian), 607,
607, 608
Assur, 33
Assyria, 32, 44, 45–47; animal reliefs of, 231
Assyrians, 31, 45, 51
Asuka period, 210, 212, 214, 221
At the Moulin Rouge(Toulouse-Lautrec),
831, 831
AT&T (Sony) Building (Johnson, Burgee,
with Simmons Architects), 1009–1010,
Atawalpa, 860
Athanadoros:work of, 153–154,153, 154
Athena (Minerva), 101, 118, 120,120,147,
149, 154; battling Alkyoneos, 148; defeat
of, 137; Poseidon and, 129, 132; statue of,
126, 130, 176, 586
Athena Par thenos(Phidias), 128,128,144,
147, 155, 307
Athens: Acropolis, 48, 91, 109, 125–134,126,
127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,143,
147, 155; Choragic Monument,144,145;
Hegeso stele, 133–134,134,135, 138, 227;

Parthenon, 126–127,126, 127,128–129,
128, 129,130–131,130,132, 133, 137,
146, 148, 155, 176, 308, 803, 987;
Propylaia, 126,126,131,131,133, 135;
Stoa of Attalos II, 146,147;Stoa Poikile,
135, 146; Temple of Athena Nike, 126,126,
133,133,134, 144
Atlantids, 69, 378, 379
Atlas, 120
Atmospheric perspective, 250, 547, 623
Aton, 75, 79; temple of, 73, 74
Atreus, King, 93, 119
Atrium,246,247, 253, 420
Attalids, 147, 148, 154, 239
Attalos I–III (kings), 147, 148
Attribution of authorship or provenance,
questions of, 5–6
Augusta Treverorum, 285
Augustine, Saint, 293, 626, 646
Augustus, Emperor, 6, 145, 239, 250, 256,
261, 275, 287, 304, 320; Forum of, 257;
as Imperator, 255; Livy and, 227; Pax
Romana and, 276; portrait of,6,12, 254,
254,255, 267; Roman Empire and, 263
Aula Palatina, 285, 299; exterior of,285;
interior of, 285
Aule Metele, 234, 255; portrait of, 227, 234
Aurelian, 278
Auro chs, 22
Aurora(Reni), 662–663, 663
Auspicious Cranes(Huizong), 198
Auspicious O b jects(Lang Shining), 729, 729
Australia, art of, 872–873, 887
Automatism, 943, 947
Autun: pilgrimage to, 432, 442; Saint-Lazare,
4, 440,441,570,17-13A, 17-27A,
Auuenau, bark-cloth painting of, 873, 873
Avant-garde, 911, 920, 932, 948, 967, 972,
981, 1017, 1025; introduction of, 908;
MoMA and, 954; new media and, 1021;
painting, 933–938; public ridicule for,
945; rejection of, 957; sculpture, 933–938;
the Steins and, 918
Aventinus, Johannes, 633
Avenue of the Dead (Mexico), 368,369, 370
Aybak, Qutb al-Din, 705, 706, 717
Ayutthaya, 713
Ayyubids, 362, 363
Azor-Sadoch lunette, 595
Aztecs, 376, 853, 869, 960; art of, 854–855; ball
game and, 372; Cortés and, 860, 869;
culture of, 366; Quetzalcoatl and, 370; ritual
cycle of, 856; sacrifices by, 369, 855; sites of,
855 (map); Spaniards and, 857; temples of,
856; Tenochtitlán and, 855; Teotihuacan
and, 368; Toltecs and, 378

Baalbek, 770; Temple of Venus, 280,281, 282
Babur, 707, 717
Babylon: Ishtar Gate, 33, 47,47,51; Marduk
ziggurat, 48; Tower of Babel, 33, 47, 48,
348,18-44A;wonders of, 48, 51
Babylonian Empire, 43
Babylonians, 45, 47, 49, 51
Bacchus (Dionysos), 101, 129,129,136,136,
138,138,143, 151, 248
Bacon, Francis:work of, 971,971,36-3A
Bad Government and the Effects of Bad
Government in the City(Lorenzetti), 512
Badami, 169, 173, 179
Baerze, Jacques de, 520, 522
Bagan, Myanmar: Ananda Temple,6-26A
Baghdad, 342, 346–347
Bahariya oasis, cemetery at, 57
Bai, 878, 879, 887
Baldacchino (Bernini), 652–653, 652

Amphora, 116–117; black-figure,104,105;
orientalizing, 104, 104
Amphora (Dipylon Painter),5-2A
Amsterdam, Musketeers Hall, 684
Analytic Cubism, 921, 935
Ananda Temple, Bagan, Myanmar,6-26A
Ananta, 170, 170
Anasazi, 390, 861
Anastasis, 331, 336, 336
Anastasius I, 409
Anatolia, 335; Neolithic sites in, 24 (map)
Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp(Rembrandt),
683, 683
Anatomy of a Kimono(Schapiro), 991, 991
Anavysos kouros, 107,107, 108
Ancestor busts, from Rome,10-7A
Ancestor statue, Chokwe,34-8A
Ancestor worship: Neolithic,1-14A
Ancestral Puebloans, 390, 391, 861, 869,
Ancestral screen,888, 892
Ancient Mexico(Rivera), 959–960, 959
Ancient Mother figure, Senufo, Ctte d’Ivoire,
Ancient of Days(Blake), 785, 785
Andean chronology, 380
Andean South America, 858; art in, 380–386;
map of, 379
Andhra dynasty, 162, 179
Andokides Painter,134; work of, 115,
115, 155
Andrea del Sarto:work of,22-8A
Angelic Concert(Grünewald), 626
Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro),498, 558;
work of, 556, 556
Angkor, 713
Angkor dynasty, 175
Angkor Wat, 176, 179; aerial view of, 177
Anguissola, Sofonisba,611,22-45A;work
of,614, 615
Anicia Juliana, 324, 325; portrait of,325, 327
Anicia Juliana between Magnanimity and
Prudence, 325
Animal-head post (Viking ship), 410, 410
Animal Locomotion(Muybridge), 818
Animals: depiction of,2-1A
Anne, Saint, 471, 510, 558, 585
Annunciation, 296, 337,337,427, 427
Annunciation(Angelico), 556, 556
Annunciation(Broederlam), 521–522, 521
Annunciation(Campin), 522,523, 539
Annunciation(Giovanni Pisano), 499, 499
Annunciation(Grünewald), 626
Annunciation(Martini and Memmi),
509, 509
Annunciation(Nicola Pisano), 493, 499
Annunciation(van Eyck), 522, 526
Annunciationgroup (Reims Cathedral),
476–477,477,478, 484
Annunciation to the Shepherds, 427
Antelami, Benedetto,457,17-22A;work of,
452–453, 453
Anthemius of Tralles:work of, 313–314,
313, 314
Anthony, Saint, 322, 626, 628
Anthony Abbot, Saint: statue of, 626
Anthony of Isenheim,Saint,626
Antioch, 145, 327
Antiquities of Athens(Stuart and Revett), 771
Antonines, 263, 272–276, 277, 287
Antoninus Pius, 239, 272, 273
Anubis, 54, 57
Anyang, 183, 184
Apadana, 48, 49
Apartment houses, 270–271; model of, 270
Aphrodite, Eros, and Pan (from Delos),

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