Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
1068 Index

Battle of San Romano(Uccello), 559,559, 577
Battle of the Ten Nudes(Pollaiuolo),
561–562, 561
Baudelaire, Charles, 809, 822
Bauhaus, 962, 963, 964, 967, 1005,35-72A,
Baule, 897, 907; art of, 894–895
Bay, The(Frankenthaler), 977, 977
Bayeux Cathedral, 457
Bayeux Tapestry,456, 457, 459;
details from, 456
Bayon, 178, 178
Beaker with animal decoration
(Susa, Iran),2-1A
Bear Run, Kaufmann House, 966,966, 967
Beardsley, Aubrey:work of, 841, 841
Beata Beatrix(Rossetti), 810, 810
Beatus of Liébana, Abbot, 415, 440
Beau Dieu,475, 475
Beaune Altarpiece (Rogier van der Weyden),
“Beautiful Lady” dance mask, 900
Beauvais Cathedral, 3; choir of,2;lateral
section of,12;plan of, 12
Beaux-Arts style, 812
Beccafumi, Domenico:work of,22-42A
Beckmann, Max,945, 953; work of,
941–942, 941
Behnisch, Günter:work of, 1011–1012, 1011
Beijing: Forbidden City, 718, 723,723,725,
731, 733; Hall of Supreme Harmony,
718, 723
Belau: art of, 878–879, 887; ceremonial men’s
house of, 878
Belisarius, 312, 315, 316
Belleville Breviary(Pucelle), 484, 532,
18-36A;folio from, 485
Bellini, Giovanni,526, 608, 628,35-2A;
work of, 604–605,604, 605,607,22-33A
Bellini, Jacopo, 604
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 671, 767; on
Caravaggio/Carracci, 658–659, 660
Benedict (Benedict of Nursia), Saint: rule of,
420, 436, 439, 458
Benedictines, 420, 439, 493
Benevento, Arch of Trajan, 266–267, 267
Beni Hasan, 69; tombs at, 66–67,66, 71
Benin, 397, 402–403, 405, 893, 898; art of,
895–897; oral records of, 395; Shrine of
Eweka II, 896–897, 896
Benin king, 10,10, 11
Bening, Alexander, 20-16A
Benton, Thomas Hart:work of, 958, 958
Beowulf,408, 409
Berbers, 263, 352
Bering Strait, 365, 387, 866
Berlin: Altes Museum,30-44A
Berlinghieri, Bonaventura,517,19-5B;
work of, 500, 500
Bernard de Soissons, 18-23A
Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, 439, 440, 441,
443, 459; Abelard and, 466; Alexander
reliquary and, 450; on cloister sculpture,
438,17-12A;Hildegard and, 448; Knights
Templar and, 442
Bernini, Gianlorenzo,151, 659, 671, 684,
697,29-2A;Saint Peter’s and, 651–652;
work of,648,651–652,651, 652,653–654,
653, 654,24-4A, 24-7A
Berno of Baume, 436
Bernward of Hildesheim, 422, 423, 452;
commission by, 424, 425; Hildesheim
doors and, 424
Bertoldo di Giovanni, 589
Bester, Willie,907; work of, 905–906, 905
Beta Giorghis, 400,400, 405
Bethlehem, 295, 335, 362

Betrayal of Jesus(Duccio di Buoninsegna),
508, 508
Betrayal of Jesus(Giotto),19-9B
Beuys, Joseph,1025; work of,
1018–1019, 1019
Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, 212
Bhudevi, 169
Bi disks, 184,185, 187
Bible, 410, 481
Bibliothèque Nationale, 482
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (Labrouste),
812,813, 819
Bichitr,711; work of, 709, 709
Bieri, 891, 891
Bierstadt, Albert,819; work of, 796–797, 797
Big Self-Portrait(Close), 986, 986
Bihzad:work of, 358–359, 358
Biko, Steve, 905–906
Bilbao, Guggenheim Bilbao Museo, 1012, 1012
Bilingual vases, 115, 115
Bingham, Hiram, 858
Biomorphic Surrealism, 943, 952, 967, 980
Bird in Space(Brancusi), 951,951,954, 967,
Birth of the Virgin(Ghirlandaio), 558, 558
Birth of the Virgin(Lorenzetti), 510, 511
Birth of Venus(Botticelli), 560,561, 577
Bisj poles, 874–875,874, 887
Bison, 18,19,22,23, 56
Black Death, 461, 502, 513, 514, 517
Black-figure technique, 104, 105, 114–115
Black Liberation Movement, Biko and, 905
Black Mountain College, 1017
Black-on-black ware, 862
Black-on-white painted bowls, 389,390, 391
Black Paintings (Goya), 788
Black Venus(Saint-Phalle),36-26B
Blake, Peter: on Guggenheim Museum, 1003
Blake, William,786; work of, 785, 785
Blanc, Charles, 832
Blanche of Castile, 471, 482–483, 484
Blessed Art Thou among Women(Käsebier),
842–843, 843
Blind arcades, 50, 348
Blinding of Samson(Rembrandt),25-14A
Bliss, Lillie P., 933, 954
Block statues, 71–72
Bloodletting rite, mural painting from
Te o t i h u a c a n ,14-7A
Blouet, Guillaume-Abel: view by, 117
Blue Koran,from Kairouan, Tunisia,13-16B
Blue Period (Picasso), 4, 918
Boat Bridge(Koetsu), 742,742, 749
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 502, 503, 541
Boccioni, Umberto:work of, 927–928, 927
Bocio (empowerment figure), 893, 893
Bodh Gaya, 161, 165, 203
Bodhi tree, 161, 165, 166
Bodhisattva Dashizhi,7-13A
Bodhisattva Guanyin,7-13A, 7-15A,
Bodhisattva Guanyin as the Guide of Souls
scroll (from Dunhuang),7-15A
Bodhisattva Guanyin seated on Potalaka,
from Shanxi province, China,7-23A
Bodhisattva Maitreya: from Prakhon Chai,
Bodmer, Karl:work of, 867, 867
Body adornment, 903, 903
Boffrand, Germain:work of, 752, 752
Bohr, Niels, 915
Bolognese academy, 657, 671
Bombay, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
(Victoria Terminus), 712–713,712, 717
Bonampak, murals at, 374
Bonheur, Marie-Rosalie (Rosa):work of,
802, 803
Boniface VIII, Pope, 482

Bonsu, Osei,907; work of, 897–898,
897, 898
Book from the Sky, A(Xu Bing), 730, 731
Book of Durrow,410–412, 413;
folio from, 412
Book of Hours(Limbourg brothers),
532–533, 539
Book of Kells,413–414, 414
Book of the Courtier(Castiglione), 587
Book of the Dead,57, 76, 77
Book of the Pontiffs, 299
Books: Christian Church and, 410;
distribution of, 541; making, 483;
medieval, 305, 410
Books of Hours, 532–533, 539, 643, 647
Borghese, Camillo, 780
Borghese, Pauline, 780, 819
Borghese, Scipione,24-7A
Borgia Codex,854, 854
Borluut, Isabel, 522
Borobudur, 174–175, 180; aerial view of, 175
Borromini, Francesco,671, 702,29-4B;
influence of, 643; work of,654,655,655,
656–657, 656
Bosch, Hieronymus,643; work of,
637–639, 637
Boscoreale, Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor,
248, 249
Boscotrecase, Villa of Agrippa Postumus,
250, 251
Bossi, Antonio:work of,29-4A
Botticelli, Sandro,568, 577, 587; work of,
559–560,560, 561,21-28A
Bottle,Newspaper,Pipe,and Glass(Braque),
922, 923, 923
Boucher, François,757, 769, 775; work of,
756, 756
Bouguereau, Adolphe-William,
804–805, 805
Boulogne, Jean de.SeeGiovanni da Bologna
Bound Slave (Rebellious Captive)
(Michelangelo),591,592, 593
Bourbon, dukes of: patronage by, 532
Bourbon dynasty, 673
Bourgeois, Louise:work of, 980, 980
Bourges, House of Jacques Coeur, 480,
480, 495
Bourke-White, Margaret:work of,35-62A
Bouts, Dirk,539; work of, 530,530,20-12A
Boyle, Richard,775; work of, 770–771, 771
Bracciolini, Francesco, 664
Brady, Matthew B., 817
Brahma, 170, 176
Brahmins, 160, 168, 172
Bramante, Donato d’Angelo,586, 601, 602,
603, 620, 621, 623, 636,22-6A;
Michelangelo and, 600; Saint Peter’s and,
651, 652; work of, 597–600,598, 599
Brancacci Chapel, 554–555, 557
Brancusi, Constantin,952, 953, 954, 967; on
abstract sculpture, 951; Armory Show
and, 934; work of, 951,951,35-57A
Braque, Georges,918, 924,35-18A;Armory
Show and, 934; Cubism and, 921, 967;
work of, 921,921,922, 923
Brass canteens, 362, 362
Brassempouy: head of a woman from,1-5A
Breakfast Scene(Hogarth), 762, 762
Brera Altarpiece(Piero della Francesca),
570, 571
Breton, André, 943, 944, 947,31-25A,
35-50A;Dada and, 928; Kahlo and, 960
Breuer, Marcel:work of, 962–963, 963
Breviary of Philippe le Bel(Master Honoré),
484; folio from, 484
Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even,
The (The Large Glass)(Duchamp),
930–931, 930

Baldassare Castiglione(Raphael), 587
Baldinucci, Filippo: on Bernini, 653
Baldung Grien, Hans,629; work of, 628,
Ball, Hugo, 929
Ball courts, 368, 371, 372,372,376, 391, 855
Ball players, ceramic, 374, 374
Balla, Giacomo:work of,926, 927
Ballet Mécanique(Léger), 926
Ballet Rehearsal(Degas),828, 829
Baltasar Carlos, Prince, 669
Bamberg Cathedral, 427, 492, 495;
statue at, 492
Bamberg Rider,492, 492
Bamboo Groves in Mist and Rain
(Guan Daosheng), 720, 726
Bamboo Mountain (Africa): rock painting at,
Bamum, art of, 892–893, 907
Banditaccia necropolis, 228, 228
Bank of Amsterdam, 673, 679
Banos de Cerrato, San Juan Bautista, 415, 415
Banquet scene, cylinder seal, 39
Banqueting House, 701, 701
Banu, Sahifa:work of,26-4A
Baptismal font (Rainer of Huy), 449
Baptistère de Saint Louis(Muhammad ibn
al-Zayn), 361–362, 361
Bar at the Folies-Bergère(Manet), 828, 828
Barbaro, Danielle, 602
Barberini, Cardinal, 322
Barberini family, 652, 664
Barberini Faun, 150,151,5-84A
Barberini Ivory,322, 323,323, 324
Barbizon School, Millet and, 800
Barcelona, Casa Milá, 848, 848
Barcelona Academy of Fine Art, 918
Bardi family, 564
Bark painting, 872–873
Barkcloth, 879, 881,881,882, 887
Barlach, Ernst,945; work of, 943, 943
Barney, Matthew,1025; work of,968, 1024
Baroncelli, Maria,20-14A
Baroncelli family, 564
Baroque, 556, 616, 646, 729, 755, 784, 785,
812, 1009; architecture of, 270, 271, 298,
671; Italian Renaissance and, 649; origins
of, 649; painting of, 657–665
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 953, 954
Barry, Charles:work of,810, 811
Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste:work of, 849
Bartholomew, Saint, 596, 597
Bartolommeo Colleoni(Verrocchio),
551–552,551,577, 629
Basawan,709; work of, 708, 708
Basil I, 327, 339
Basilica, 237,244,245, 285, 433, 446
Basilica, Paestum, 111–113
Basilica Nova,238,284–285, 574;
restored cutaway view of, 284
Basilica of Constantine, 313
Basilica Ulpia,264,265, 299, 422
Basket of Apples(Cézanne), 838, 838
Basketry, 365, 863
Basquiat, Jean-Michel:work of,36-31A
Bat-faced man pendant, 380, 380
Bath, The(Cassatt), 830, 830
Bather(Lipchitz), 924, 924
Baths of Caracalla, 277–278, 313; plan of, 277
Baths of Diocletian, 285; frigidarium of, 278
Battista Sforza and Federico da Montefeltro
(Piero della Francesca),21-42A
Battle of Heraclius and Chosroes(Piero della
Battle of Issus(Altdorfer), 271, 632, 633
Battle of Issus(Philoxenos), 142,142;
detail from, 98
Battle of Romans and barbarians, 279

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