Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1069

Burial of Atala(Girodet-Trioson), 782, 782
Burial of Count Orgaz(El Greco), 646,
646, 647
Burial of Phocion(Poussin), 692–693, 692
Burials: Neolithic,1-14A
Burke, Edmund, 784, 795
Bury Bible,457–458; folio from, 457
Bush spirits (Africa), 894–895, 895
Buson, Yosa:work of, 743, 743
Bustan(Sadi), Bihzad and, 358–359
Butcher’s Stall(Aertsen), 640,640, 647
Buxheim Saint Christopher,20-21A
Byzantine architecture, 315, 474
Byzantine art, 312, 428, 429, 504, 997;
churches and, 300, 421; Early Christian art
and, 316, 320; golden age of, 339; Greco-
Roman roots of, 328; Middle Ages and,
323; painting, 322–325, 327, 338; style,
462, 646, 647
Byzantine artists: in Italy,17-27A
Byzantine culture, renovation of, 327
Byzantine Empire, 410; collapse of, 341; map
of, 312
Byzantine Orthodox Church, 335
Byzantium, 282, 311, 336, 408, 419; end of,
336; exchanges with Italy,12-24A;Islam
and, 341; religious/cultural mission of, 335

Cabaret Voltaire, 929
Cadeau (Gift)(Ray), 935, 935
Caen, Saint-Etienne, 453–454,453, 454,459,
464, 468
Cage, John,1017, 1021,36-21A
Cahokia, 388, 391; Monk’s Mound,14-29A
Caillebotte, Gustave:work of, 825–826, 825
Cairo, Mausoleum of Sultan Hasan, 353, 353
Calais, siege of, 844, 851
Calder, Alexander,928, 967; work of,
953–954, 954
Calf bearer, 106–107, 107
Caliari, Paolo.SeeVe r o n e s e
California Artist(Arneson), 1001, 1001
California Institute of Technology, Em
and, 1023
California Institute of the Arts, 989
Calligraphy, 197–198, 200, 340, 350, 352, 358,
361, 363; Chinese, 720, 721, 726, 733, 742;
described, 351; Japanese,8-14A;Muslim,
13-16B, 13-20A;tilework and, 357
Calling of Saint Matthew(Caravaggio), 660,
Calling of Saint Matthew(ter Brugghen),
679, 679
Callot, Jacques:work of, 694–695, 695
Calvert, Frank, 81
Calvin, John, 596
Calvinists, 596, 632, 679, 681, 682, 683, 684,
690, 701
Cambodia, art of, 175–178
Cambrensis, Giraldus, 414
Camera degli Sposi (Mantegna), 574, 575
Camera lucida, 815
Camera obscura, 688, 689, 703, 765, 775, 814,
Camera Picta (Mantegna), 574, 575,575,577,
594,21-49A, 22-53A;ceiling of, 575
Camera Work(journal), 938
Cameron, Julia Margaret:work of, 817,
817, 819
Campidoglio, Rome (Michelangelo),22-27A
Campin, Robert (Master of Flémalle),523,
527, 528, 529, 539,20-14B;work of,
522, 523
Campo, 510; aerial view of, 511
Camposanto, Pisa, 514–515
Campus Martius, 272, 922

Canaletto, Antonio,775; work of, 765, 765
Canoe prow and splashboard, 877,877,
878, 878
Canon(Polykleitos), 124, 125, 127, 137, 146
Canopus, 57, 269, 269
Canova, Antonio,819; work of, 780,780,
Canterbury Cathedral, fire at, 435
Canyon(Rauschenberg), 982–983, 982
Capitals, 59, 110, 111; composite, 262, 278,
452; Corinthian, 143–144,144,155, 280,
281, 498, 813; lion, 162,162,6-6A
Capitoline Hill, 226, 237
Capitoline Wolf,231,231, 232
Cappella della Santissima Sindone, Turin
Cappella Palatina, Palermo,12-25A
Caprichos, Los(Goya), 786,786, 819
Caracalla, 239, 276–277; baths of, 277–278,
277,313; portrait of, 277
Caracol, aerial view of, 378
Caradosso, Cristoforo Foppa:work of,
599, 599
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi),657,
662, 671, 674, 675, 679, 680, 681, 695,
25-14A, 29-10A;Bellori on, 660;
influence of, 666, 667; work of, 658–661,
659, 661,24-18A
Carcassonne, 495; Cathedral of Saint-
Nazaire, 479, 479
Cardona, Spain: Sant Vicenç,17-2B
Carlo Emanuele II,24-9A, 24-14A
Carlyle, Thomas, 817
Carnations and Garden Rock(Wen Shu),
728, 728
Caroline Islands, 871; art of, 878–879, 887
Carolingian alphabet, 416
Carolingian architecture, 419–421, 429, 435
Carolingian art, 415–421, 429, 431
Carolingian Empire, 492; map of, 408
Carolingian Renaissance, 416
Carolus Magnus, 415
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste:work of, 844,844,
Carpet pages,406,410, 429
Carpets, 350,360, 363
Carrà, Carlo, 927
Carracci, Annibale,659, 662, 668, 671, 674,
693; Bellori on, 660; work of, 657–658,
657, 658
Carracci family, 657
Carson, Pirie, Scott Building (Sullivan),
850, 850
Carter, Howard, 75
Cartoons, 504, 581
Carving, 10–11
Caryatids, 69, 111, 113, 132–133,132, 257
Casa de Montejo, 644–645, 644
Casa Milá (Gaudi), 848, 848
Casino Rospigliosi, 662
Cassatt, Mary,918, 932; Impressionists
and, 830; Japanese art and, 829; work
of, 830, 830
Cast-iron construction, 812, 819
Castagno, Andrea del:work of, 556, 557
Castiglione, Baldassare, 587, 587
Castiglione, Giuseppe.SeeLang Shining
Castillo, Chichén Itzá, 376, 377; aerial view
of, 377
Casting, 10
Castle of Love, The, 485–486, 486
Catacomb of Commodilla, Via Ostiense,
Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus,
293; cubiculum in, 292, 292
Catacombs, 291–295, 309,10-54A
Çatal Höyük, 24, 35, 55; deer hunt mural at,
26;excavations at, 25–27; landscape at,

26–27,27;Level VI of,25;statuettes
at, 26
Cathedra Petri, 652
Cathedral School of Chartres, 465
Cathedral School of Paris, 466
Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, 532
Catherine the Great, 753
Catholic Church: Counter-Reformation and,
596, 625; sacraments of, 647
Catholicism, 625, 701; Protestantism
and, 631
Catona, ball court at, 372
Cavallini, Pietro, 19-5B;work of,19-8A
Cave 1, Ajanta, 167
Cave 19, Ajanta, interior of, 167
Cave painting, 19–20, 21,21,22–23,23,26,
56, 848
Cave sculpture,1-6A
Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, 192
Celadon wares, 204
Celer,275; work of, 258–259, 259
Cellini, Benvenuto,635, 757,23-12A;work
of, 618,619,22-51A
Cenni de Pepo.SeeCimabue
Cennini, Cennino, 523, 553
Centauromachy pediment (Olympia),5-31A
Central-plan buildings, 299–300, 315, 345,
451, 459, 562, 563, 565, 584, 597, 603, 657,
812; first examples of, 355
Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 940
Centula, France: Saint-Riquier abbey,
Ceramics, 2, 12, 368,368,863; Maya, 374,
374;Shino, 740–741,741,749; Tang
dynasty, 195–196, 203; underglaze,
715–716; Vietnamese, 715,715, 716
Ceremonial ax, 367
Ceremonial men’s houses, 875,875, 878, 879
Cerveteri, 224, 232, 235; Banditaccia
necropolis, 228,228,291,9-7A;
sarcophagus, 226–228,277; tombs at,
229, 230, 247
Cézanne, Paul,831,850,851,918,919,921;
work of, 836–838,838,31-20A
Chacmools, 377,377, 952
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, 390, 391, 861,
Chaeronea, 137, 153
Chaitya halls, 162, 164, 167, 179; interior of,
156;plan of, 164
Chalchas examining a liver, on a mirror,
from Vulci,9-13A
Chalgrin, Jean François Thérèse, 793
Chambord,Château de,636,636, 647
Champfleury, Jules-François-Félix
Husson, 800
Champollion, Jean-François, 54
Champs de Marsor The Red Tower
(Delaunay), 922, 922
Chan Buddhism, 200, 201, 727, 729
Chan Muwan, Lord, 374, 375
Chand, Raja Govardhan, 711
Chandragupta II, 160, 166, 169
Chang’an, 184, 205, 212; layout of, 192
Chapel of Henry VII (Vertue and Vertue),
488,488, 495
Chapel of Pietro Vittrice, 660
Chapel of Saint Ivo (Borromini), 656–657,
656;dome of,656;plan of, 656
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon,775;
Diderot on, 760; work of, 760, 760
Charging Chasseur(Géricault),30-15A
Charioteer of Delphi, 122,122, 123
Charlemagne (Charles the Great), 341, 347,
408, 418, 420, 425, 427, 428, 429, 451, 462,
16-13A;architecture and, 419, 421;
arts/culture and, 417; burial of, 422;

Bridge-spouted vessel, 383
Brighton, Royal Pavilion, 811, 811
British Museum, 54, 402, 419, 766; Elgin
Marbles and, 126; Layard and, 31
British Royal Academy of Arts, 763, 767,
785, 823
Broederlam, Melchior,539; oil painting and,
523; work of, 520–522, 521
Bronze Age, 100, 102; China and, 183, 184,
205; Korea and, 202
Bronze casting, 121, 122,122,123, 405;
Shang dynasty, 183,183,184, 198, 205;
Zhou dynasty, 198
Bronzino (Agnolo di Cosimo):work of,
613–615,613, 614,22-45A
Brooklyn Bridge (John Augustus and
Washington Roebling),30-48A
Brown, Denise Scott:work of, 1010, 1010
Bruegel, Jan, the Elder:work of,25-2A
Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder,647; work of,
642–643,642, 643,23-20A
Bruges, Guild hall, 479–480, 479
Brunelleschi, Filippo,553, 555, 556, 565,
574, 577, 597; Alberti and, 567; Florence
Cathedral and, 562; linear perspective
and,547, 562; Michelozzo and, 566; work
of, 543–544,543,563–564,563, 564,
21-30A, 21-31A
Bruni, Leonardo,21-1A;tomb of
Bruno, Saint: Carthusian order and, 520
Brussels: Tassel house,31-36A;van Eetvelde
house, 847, 847
Bubonic plague.SeeBlack Death
Bucrania, 26
Buddha, 163, 164,190,713, 715; in human
form,6-10A;iconography of, 179,6-10A;
life and death of,165;meditating (from
Gandhara),165;recumbent, 174,174;
relic of, 714; representations of, 161,
179; seated,and standing bodhisattva
(Yungang Grottoes),7-14A;standing
(from Gandhara),6-10A
Buddha of Boundless Space and Time, 192
Buddha of Healing, 212
Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, 161
Buddha of the Future, 201
Buddha of the West, 735
Buddha seated on lion throne, 166
Buddha triad(Tori Busshi), 212, 212
Buddhism, 159, 167, 169, 178, 713, 716, 915,
1022,6-8A;decline of, 705; iconography
of, 161; Japan and, 210–220; patronage of,
162, 179; Silk Road and, 188; spread of,
160, 161, 170, 174, 204
Buddhist Law, 193, 201
Buffalmacco, Buonamico:work of,
514–515, 515
Buffalo, Guaranty (Prudential) Building,
850, 850
Buffalo-hide robe with battle scene, Mandan,
Buffon,Count de,758
Bukhara, Samanid Mausoleum, 348,348, 355
Bull-headed lyre, 38, 38
Bull-leaping fresco, 86, 86
Burgee, John:work of, 1009, 1009
Burgess, Frank Gelett:work of, 920
Burghers of Calais(Rodin), 844–845, 845
Burgundian Netherlands, dissolution of,
625, 637
Burgundy: art of, 519–532, 539; map of, 520
Burgundy, dukes of, 519, 538, 539; patronage
by, 520
Burial at Ornans(Courbet), 798–800,799, 803
Burial mask, Ipiutak, 388
Burial mounds, 228, 408, 409

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