Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1081

Palladian architecture, 771
Palladio, Andrea,599, 615–616, 623, 701,
703, 770, 773,22-31A;work of, 602–604,
602, 603
Pallas Athena, 602
Pallava kingdom, 170, 171
Palma il Giovane:work of,22-39A
Panathenaic Festival, 130, 131, 133;
procession,130,132, 256
Panthéon, Paris (Sainte-Geneviève)
(Soufflot), 770,770, 775
Pantheon, Rome, 94,238,267–269,267,278,
280, 287, 300, 313, 314, 451, 563, 579, 599,
651, 653,29-27A, 30-44A;cutaway view
of,268;interior of,268,269; Jefferson
and, 772, 773; lateral section of, 268
Pantokrator,310,330, 332,332,339, 475
Papal States, 502, 544, 602; Rome and,
Papposilenos, 136, 138
Papua New Guinea, 873, 875, 879
Papyrus, 53, 59, 64, 305
Paracas culture, 380, 381, 383, 391
Paracas weavers, 382, 385, 386
Paradise Now(Paik), 1021
Paradise of Amitabha, 193, 193
Parinirvana group,174, 175
Paris: Arc de Triomphe, 793; Bibliothèque
Sainte-Geneviève, 812,813,819; Cour
Carré, 636–637,636,697; Église du
Dôme, 700–701,700,770; Eiffel Tower,
759,820,849, 851, 905, 922, 960; Georges
Pompidou National Center for Art and
Culture, 1011,1011;Grand Louvre
Exposition, 940, 953; La Madeleine, 780,
780,819; Louvre, 466, 636–637,636,647,
697–698,697,701, 702, 703; Notre-Dame,
466, 468,468,472, 779, 811; Panthéon,
770,770,775; Paris Opéra, 812,812,828;
Sainte-Chapelle, 477–478,477,483; Salon
de la Princesse, 752,752;World’s Fair, 823
Paris: A Rainy Day(Caillebotte), 825,825, 826
Paris Opéra (Garnier), 812,812, 828
Paris Psalter,334–335, 339; folio from, 334
Par isienne, La,85–86,85, 88
Parler, Heinrich, 18-47A
Parler, Peter :work of,18-47A
Parma Cathedral, 452, 618
Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria
Mazzola),618, 623; work of,612,613,
Par nassus(Mengs),29-22A
Parthenon,126, 127,132, 133, 137, 148, 155,
176, 308, 803, 987; architecture of,
126–127; Iktinos and, 146; ionic frieze
from, 130–131,130;metopes at, 128–129,
128;pediments at, 129,129;plan of,127;
refinements in, 127; symmetry of, 127
Parthians, 49, 263, 289
Passage grave, 27–28, 27
Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti, The(Shahn),
4,4,955; symbolism in, 5
Pastoral Symphony(Giorgione and/or
Titian),606,607, 623, 803
Pataliputra, 160, 161, 166
Patinir, Joachim,643, 647; work of,
641–642, 642
Patronage, 155, 162, 179, 494, 506, 520, 532,
560, 569, 570–576, 577, 634, 641, 650, 666,
696–697; corporate, 1002; forms of, 542;
mercantilist, 680; middle-class, 680;
politics of, 1002; portraiture and, 6; by
Renaissance women, 611; sources of, 519.
See alsoMatronage
Patrons, 1, 2, 506; role of, 6
Paul, Saint, 294, 295, 409, 412, 629;
conversion of, 659

Paul III, Pope, 599, 601, 658,22-27A;Council
of Trent and, 596; Counter-Reformation
and, 596; Jesuit order and, 622
Paul V, Pope, 651; patronage by, 650
Paul the Silentiary, on Hagia Sophia,
Pauline Borghese as Venus(Canova), 780
Pavilion of Realism, 799, 809, 823
Pax Augusta, 254, 256
Pax Romana, 254–255, 263, 276
Paxton, Joseph,819, 849,36-67A;work of,
812–813, 813
Pazzi Chapel (Brunelleschi), 563–565,563,
21-35A;interior of,564;plan of, 564
Pazzi family, 563
Peaceful City(Lorenzetti),512, 513
Peaceful Countr y(Lorenzetti),512, 513
Peacock Skirt(Beardsley), 841, 841
Pech-Merle: animal images at, 21; cave
painting at, 20, 22; horses/handprints at,
20, 23
Peeters, Clara:work of,678, 679
Pei, Ieoh Ming:work of,36-63B
Peloponnesian War, 126, 131, 137, 155
Peloponnesos, 99, 119
Penance of Arjuna,6-21A
Pendentives, 314, 315,315, 329
Penitent Mary Magdalene(Donatello),
Penitential Psalms, 533
Pentateuch, 410, 444
Pentecost and Mission of the Apostles, 441
Pentewa, Otto:work of, 862, 862
People’s Commissariat for
Enlightenment, 960
Peplos, 108, 120
Peplos Kore,108, 108
Pepper No. 30(Weston),35-40A
Performance Art, 2, 1017–1020, 1025,
36-80A;feminist, 996, 1018; Schneemann
on, 1018
Pergamon, 145, 147–153, 155, 239; sculpture
of, 149–153
Pericles, 128, 131, 144, 153, 242, 256;
patronage of, 155; portrait of, 125–126,
125, 267
Pericles (Kresilas), 125–126, 125
Period of Disunity (China), 188, 192, 193,
197, 205; secular arts and, 190
Period style, 3
Periods, in art history, 4
Perpendicular style, 487, 488, 489, 495
Per rault, Claude:work of, 697, 697
Perry, Cabot: on Monet, 824
Persepolis,49,51; apadana at,49;columns
from apadana of,2-25A;luxury table-
ware at,2-26A;Persian art/architecture
at, 48
Persia, Neo-Babylonia and, 47–50
Persians, 118, 263; art of, 51
Persistence of Memor y, The(Dalí), 946, 946
Personal style, in art, 3–4, 6
Personification, 5; of female,256;of
Pestilence, 5
Perspective, 505, 513, 530, 557, 559, 576, 580,
582, 616,21-49A;atmospheric, 250, 547,
623; described, 8–9; foreshortening and,
9,21-49A;Renaissance fascination with,
Perugia, Porta Marzia, 232–233,233,235, 261
Perugino (Pietro Vannucci),577, 585, 595;
work of, 568–569, 568
Peruzzi family, 564
Pesaro family, 608
Petén region, 366, 376
Peter, Saint, 294, 295, 298, 299, 412, 508, 554,
591, 608, 630,11-5B, 16-29A;burial

place of, 597; Constantine and, 569; cruci-
fixion of, 597; martyrdom of,11-13A;
statue of, 265, 323; throne of, 652
Petra, Al-Khazneh, 270,270, 280
humanism of, 541
Pfemba (Africa), 893–894, 893
Phaistos, 82; Kamares-ware vessels at, 88;
palace at, 84
Pharaohs, 53; divinity of, 64; female, 68
Phiale Painter,138; work of, 136, 136
Phidias,129, 155, 660, 774, 783; statue
by, 48; work of, 126, 128,128,130, 144,
147, 307
Philip II, King of Macedonia, 137
Philip II, King of Spain, 153, 615, 637; Dutch
Republic and, 647; El Escorial and, 645;
Spanish Empire and, 643
Philip II Augustus, King, 442, 466, 482
Philip III, King, 666
Philip IV, King, 666; Rubens and, 674;
Velázquez and, 667, 668, 669, 671,
Philip the Arabian: portrait bust,10-68A
Philip the Bold, 519, 520, 522, 532, 539,
Philip the Good, 522
Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery, A
(Wright of Derby),758,759,29-10A
Philosophes, 758
Philosophical Bordello(Picasso).See
Demoiselles d’Avignon(Picasso)
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our
Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, A
(Burke), 784
Philosophy (School of Athens)(Raphael),
585, 586
Philoxenos of Eretria,632; work of,98,
142, 142
Phoenix Hall, 215–216,216,217, 221,8-13A
Photius: sakkos of,12-33A
Photography, 2, 12, 759, 776, 842, 938–939,
953–955; in India, 713; influence of, 831,
845, 851; invention of, 777, 815–818, 819,
967; portrait painting and, 986; wet-plate,
Photomontagists, 931
Photorealism, 985, 986
Physical evidence, in art history, 2
Piano, Renzo:work of, 1011, 1011
Piazza della Signoria, 978
Piazza d’Italia (Moore), 1008–1009,
1008, 1025
Piazza San Marco, Venice, 603,22-31A
Picabia, Francis, 929, 937
Picasso, Pablo,925, 946–947, 948, 953, 954,
991,31-25A, 35-2A, 35-36A, 36-31A;
Armory Show and, 934; Cubism and, 921,
924, 967; modernism and, 918; periods
of, 4; Primitivism and, 920; work of,
918–920,918, 919,922,922,923–924,
923,940,940,35-11A, 35-18A
“Picasso Speaks” (Zayas), quote from, 924
Pictorial arts, 2
Piero della Francesca,577, 597,21-40A;
Alberti and, 572; Federico da Montefeltro
and, 571; perspective painting and, 539;
work of,540,570–572,571, 572,21-42A,
21-43A, 21-43B
Pierpont Morgan Library, 482
Pietà, 492, 527, 589,589,769, 916
Pietà(intended for his own tomb)
Pietà(Michelangelo), 589,589,769,22-39A
Pietà(Titian and Palma il Giovane),22-39A
Pietro da Cortona:work of, 663–664, 663
Pilgrimage churches, 434, 435

Ottonians, 422; architecture of, 422–423,
429; art of, 422–428, 429, 431, 439;
painting of, 424–428, 429; sculpture of,
424–428, 429
Oursler, Tony,1025; work of, 1024, 1024
Oval Sculpture (No. 2)(Hepworth), 952, 952
Oxbow, The (View from Mount Holyoke,
Northampton, Massachusetts, after a
Thunderstorm)(Cole), 796, 796

Pablo Picasso in his studio (Burgess), 920
Pacal, Lord,14-10A
Pachomius, Saint: monastic movement
and, 322
Padmapani, 167, 167
Padua, Arena Chapel,496,504–505
Paekche kingdom, 202, 210
Paestum, 765; Basilica, 111–113; Temple of
Hera I, 111,111,117; Temple of Hera II,
111, 119, 119
Paganism, 308, 312, 587, 653
Pagodas, 199, 715
Pahari School, 711
Paik, Nam June,1025; work of, 1021, 1021
Painted caves, Ajanta, 167, 167
Painted Stoa, 135, 146
Painting, 2; American, 955–960; materials/
formats, Chinese, 190; Poussin on,
692; Schneemann on, 1018; sculpture
versus, 588
Painting(Bacon), 971,971,36-3A
Painting(Miró), 947, 947
Paionios of Ephesos:work of, 145–146, 145
Pala d’Oro,Ve n i c e ,12-24A
Palace at Knossos, 84–85,84,90, 97; bull-
leaping fresco at, 86,86;murals at, 85–86,
87, 88; stairwell at, 85
Palace of Ashurbanipal, 47; relief from, 46
Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, 46–47; relief
from, 46
Palace of Buen Retiro, 668
Palace of Diocletian, 281–282; restored view
of, 282
Palace of Nestor, Pylos,4-18A
Palace of the Lions,340,352, 352
Palaikastro youth, 89, 89
Palatine Chapel, 332, 419, 421, 422, 451,
16-20A;interior of,419;restored plan
of, 419
Palatine Hill, 237, 238
Palazzo Barberini, 663
Palazzo Carignano, Turin (Guarini),24-9A
Palazzo Contarini (Ca d’Oro), Venice, Italy,
Palazzo del Tè (Giulio Romano), 620,620,
Palazzo della Signoria (Palazzo Vecchio),
Florence (Arnolfo di Cambio), 544, 549,
550, 590,19-18A
Palazzo Ducale (Mantegna), 574,575,577, 605
Palazzo Farnese (Antonio da Sangallo), 601,
601;courtyard of,601;gallery, 658, 660
Palazzo Medici (Michelozzo), 565–566
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi (Michelozzo), 566,
566,567, 601; façade of, 565
Palazzo Pubblico, 517; aerial view of,511;
painting for, 510–513
Palazzo Rucellai (Alberti and Rossellino),
566–567, 566
Palenque: Temple of the Inscriptions,
Paleolithic art, 15–23, 24, 29, 394; cave
painting, 20, 848
Palermo: Cappella Palatina,12-25A
Palestrina, 232, 266; Sanctuary of Fortuna
Primigenia, 240–241, 240
Palette of King Narmer, 55–56,55, 79
Palettes, 20, 55

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