Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ambulatory around the choir and three semicircular chapels opening
onto it. These radiating chapels probably housed the church’s relics,
which the faithful could view without having to enter the choir where
the main altar stood.
Saint-Étienne is also an early example of the introduction of stone
sculpture into Romanesque ecclesiastical architecture, one of the pe-
riod’s defining features. At Vignory, however, the only sculpture is the
relief decoration of the capitals of the ambulatory and false tribunes
where abstract and vegetal ornament, lions, and other quadrupeds are
the exclusive motifs.
SAINT-SERNIN, TOULOUSEOne of the earliest Roman-
esque examples of stone vaulting is the church of Saint-Sernin (Saint
Saturninus;FIGS. 17-4to 17-6) at Toulouse. Construction began

17-4Aerial view (looking
northwest) of Saint-Sernin,
Toulouse, France,
ca. 1070–1120.
Pilgrimages were a major
economic catalyst for the art
and architecture of the Roman-
esque period. The clergy vied
with one another to provide
magnificent settings for the
display of holy relics.

17-5Plan of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1070–1120 (after
Kenneth John Conant).
Increased traffic led to changes in church design. “Pilgrimage churches”
such as Saint-Sernin have longer and wider naves and aisles, as well
as transepts and ambulatories with radiating chapels for viewing relics.

0 50 1 00 feet
0 10 20 30 meters


17-6Interior of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1070–1120.
Saint-Sernin’s groin-vaulted tribune galleries housed overflow crowds
and buttressed the stone barrel vault over the nave. The transverse
arches continue the lines of the compound piers.


17-4A Sainte-
Foy, Conques,
mid-11th to
early 12th

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