Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


he great cathedrals erected throughout Europe in the later 12th
and 13th centuries are the enduring symbols of the Gothic age.
These towering structures are eloquent testimonies to the extraordi-
nary skill of the architects, engineers, carpenters, masons, sculptors,
glassworkers, and metalsmiths who constructed and decorated the
buildings. Most of the architectural components of Gothic cathedrals
appeared in earlier structures, but the way Gothic architects com-
bined the elements made the buildings unique expressions of me-
dieval faith. The essential ingredients of the Gothic “recipe” were rib
vaults with pointed arches (see “The Gothic Rib Vault,” page 464), fly-
ing buttresses, and huge colored-glass windows (see “Stained-Glass
Windows,” page 472). These and the other important Gothic archi-
tectural terms listed here are illustrated in FIG. 18-12.
❚PinnacleA sharply pointed ornament capping the piers or flying
buttresses; also used on cathedral facades.
❚Flying buttresses Masonry struts that
transfer the thrust of the nave vaults across
the roofs of the side aisles and ambulatory
to a tall pier rising above the church’s exte-
rior wall. (Compare FIG. I-18, right.)
❚Vaulting webThe masonry blocks that fill
the area between the ribs of a groin vault.
❚Diagonal ribIn plan, one of the ribs that
form the Xof a groin vault. In FIG. 18-4,
the diagonal ribs are the lines AC and DB.
❚Transverse ribA rib that crosses the nave
or aisle at a 90-degree angle (lines AB and
DC in FIG. 18-4).

❚SpringingThe lowest stone of an arch; in
Gothic vaulting, the lowest stone of a diag-
onal or transverse rib.
❚ClerestoryThe windows below the vaults
that form the nave elevation’s uppermost
level. By using flying buttresses and rib
vaults on pointed arches, Gothic architects
could build huge clerestory windows and

fill them with stained glass held in place by ornamental stonework
called tracery.
❚OculusA small round window.
❚Lancet A tall, narrow window crowned by a pointed arch.
❚TriforiumThe story in the nave elevation consisting of arcades,
usually blind arcades (FIG. 18-9), but occasionally filled with
stained glass (FIG. I-2).
❚Nave arcadeThe series of arches supported by piers separating
the nave from the side aisles.
❚Compound pier with shafts (responds)Also called the cluster pier,
a pier with a group, or cluster, of attached shafts, or responds,ex-
tending to the springing of the vaults.



French Gothic 469

18-12Cutaway view of a typical French
Gothic cathedral (John Burge). (1) pinnacle,
(2) flying buttress, (3) vaulting web, (4) diagonal rib,
(5) transverse rib, (6) springing, (7) clerestory,
(8) oculus, (9) lancet, (10) triforium, (11) nave
arcade, (12) compound pier with responds.
Rib vaults with pointed arches, flying buttresses,
and stained-glass windows are the major ingre-
dients in the “recipe” for constructing Gothic
cathedrals, but other elements also contributed
to the distinctive “look” of these churches.
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