Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

preferred the real in landscape also. The background, seen through
the window, incorporates recognizable features of the Arno River
valley. Compared with the earlier Madonnas by Giotto (FIG. 19-8)
and Duccio (FIG. 19-10), this work shows how far artists had carried
the humanization of the religious theme. Whatever the ideals of
spiritual perfection may have meant to artists in past centuries, Re-
naissance artists realized those ideals in terms of the sensuous
beauty of this world.

DOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO Toward the end of the 15th
century,Domenico Ghirlandaio(1449–1494) received an impor-
tant commission from Giovanni Tornabuoni, one of the wealthiest
Florentines of his day. Tornabuoni asked Ghirlandaio to paint a cycle
of frescoes depicting scenes from the lives of the Virgin and Saint
John the Baptist for the choir of Santa Maria Novella, the Domini-
can church where Masaccio had earlier painted his revolutionary
Holy Trinity(FIG. 21-20). In Birth of the Virgin(FIG. 21-24), Mary’s
mother, Saint Anne, reclines in a palatial Renaissance room embell-
ished with fine wood inlay and sculpture, while midwives prepare
the infant’s bath. From the left comes a grave procession of women
led by a young Tornabuoni family member, probably Ludovica, Gio-
vanni’s daughter. Ghirlandaio’s composition epitomizes the achieve-
ments of 15th-century Florentine painting: clear spatial representa-
tion, statuesque figures, and rational order and logical relations
among all figures and objects. If anything of earlier artistic traits re-
mains here, it is the arrangement of the figures, who still cling some-
what rigidly to layers parallel to the picture plane. New, however, and
in striking contrast to the dignity and austerity of Fra Angelico’s
frescoes (FIG. 21-21) for the Dominican monastery of San Marco, is
the dominating presence of the donor’s family in the religious
tableau. Ludovica holds as prominent a place in the composition
(close to the central axis) as she must have held in Florentine society.

558 Chapter 21 ITALY,1400 TO 1500

of the Virgin,Cappella
Maggiore, Santa Maria
Novella, Florence, Italy,
ca. 1485–1490. Fresco,
24  4  14  9 .

Ludovica Tornabuoni holds
as prominent a place in
Ghirlandaio’s fresco as she
must have held in Florentine
society—evidence of the
secularization of sacred
themes in 15th-century
Italian painting.

21-25Domenico Ghirlandaio,Giovanna Tornabuoni(?), 1488.
Oil and tempera on wood, 2 6  1  8 . Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza,

Renaissance artists revived the ancient art of portraiture. This portrait
reveals the great wealth, courtly manners, and humanistic interest in
classical literature that lie behind much 15th-century Florentine art.
1 in.

1 ft.
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