Gardners Art through the Ages A Global History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

their original appearance. The paintings formed a frieze running
around three adjacent walls of the tomb and represented what seems
to be, at least in part, a funerary scene with people, animals, and large
boats. The stick figures and their apparently random arrangement re-
call the Neolithic painted hunters (FIG. 1-17) of Çatal Höyük. One
black and five white boats, symbolic of the journey down the river of
life and death, carry cargo of uncertain significance. The figures in-
clude a heraldic grouping of two animals flanking a human figure (at
the lower left) and a man striking three prisoners with a mace (lower
left corner). The heraldic group, a compositional type usually associ-
ated with Mesopotamian art (FIG. 2-10,right), suggests that influ-
ences from Mesopotamia not only had reached Egypt by this time but

also already had made the thousand-mile journey up the Nile. The
second group, however, is characteristically Egyptian, and the motif
was to have a long history in Egyptian painting and sculpture alike.

PALETTE OF KING NARMER The Predynastic period ended
with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which until re-
cently scholars thought occurred during the rule of the First Dy-
nasty pharaoh Menes, identified by many Egyptologists with King
Narmer. Narmer’s image and name appear on both sides of a cere-
monial palette (stone slab with a circular depression) found at Hier-
akonpolis. The palette (FIG. 3-3) is one of the earliest historical (ver-
sus prehistorical) artworks preserved, but Egyptologists still debate

The Predynastic and Early Dynastic Periods 55

3-2People, boats, and animals,
detail of a watercolor copy of a
wall painting from tomb 100 at
Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Predynastic,
ca. 3500–3200 bce.Paint on
plaster, entire painting 16 4 
3  73 – 8 . Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
The oldest Egyptian mural
painting depicts boats, a heraldic
group of a human and animals,
and a man striking prisoners.
The random arrangement of the
motifs is characteristic of
Neolithic painting.

1 ft.

3-3Palette of King
Narmer (left,back;
right,front), from
Hierakonpolis, Egypt,
Predynastic, ca.
3000–2920 bce.Slate,
2  1 high. Egyptian
Museum, Cairo.
These earliest preserved
labeled historical reliefs
commemorate the
unification of Upper and
Lower Egypt. Narmer,
the largest figure, effort-
lessly defeats a foe on
one side, and on the
other surveys the
beheaded enemy.

1 in.
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