Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Genetically Engineered
Drugs and Vaccines
Much of the excitement about genetic engineering has focused on
its potential uses in our society. The possibilities for the applica-
tions of these techniques in medicine and research are endless.
Many applications are already commonplace, such as the produc-
tion of genetically engineered proteins used to treat illnesses and
the creation of new vaccines used to combat infections.

Many genetic disorders and other human illnesses occur when the
body fails to make critical proteins. Juvenile diabetes is such an ill-
ness. The body is unable to control levels of sugar in the blood
because a critical protein, insulin, cannot be made. These failures
can be overcome if the body can be supplied with the protein it
lacks. The proteins that regulate the body’s functions are typically
present in the body in very low amounts. Today hundreds of
pharmaceutical companies around the world produce medically
important proteins in bacteria using genetic engineering tech-
niques as summarized in Figure 7.
Factor VIII, a protein that promotes blood clotting, is an example
of a GM medicine (genetically modified; a drug manufactured by
genetic engineering). A deficiency in factor VIII leads to one type of
hemophilia, an inherited disorder characterized by prolonged bleed-
ing. For a long time, hemophiliacs received blood factors that had
been isolated from donated blood. Unfortunately, some of the
donated blood was infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis
B. The viruses were sometimes unknowingly transmitted to people
who received blood transfusions. Today, the use of genetically engi-
neered factor VIII eliminates these risks.

234 CHAPTER 11Gene Technology

Figure 7 Use of genetically
engineered medicines.Many
medicines, such as medicines
used to treat burns, are pro-
duced by genetic engineering

Product: Used for treatment of:

  • Erythropoetin Anemia

  • Growth factors Burns, ulcers

  • Human growth Growth defects

  • Insulin Diabetes

  • Interferons Viral infections and cancer

  • Taxol Ovarian cancer

Genetically Engineered Medicines
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