Biology (Holt)

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Tropical Rain ForestsTropical Rain Forests

During their travels, early
European visitors were
fascinated by the variety
and number of tropical rain-forest plants and
animals so different from those they knew at
home. Discover how early scientists named
and classified living things.

Today’s explorers are faced with
the challenge of classifying living
things in lesser-known areas, such
as tropical rain forests, that have not
yet been studied by scientists. What
organisms are found in tropical rain
forests, and what is the impact of
human activity on these species?

To preserve species, new ways of pro-
tecting tropical habitats are being
explored. For example, modern coffee-
growing techniques eliminate native species as fields
are planted solely with coffee, a major
source of revenue for many tropical coun-
tries. But shade coffee plantations grow
coffee in the midst of the forest canopy,
thus preserving habitat for tropical species.

Coffee beans

Rain-forest researcher at Madre de Dios, Peru

Topic: Rain Forests
Keyword: HX4155

Exploring the
jungle in 1820
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