CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Models are a useful tool in science. They allow us to efficiently demonstrate ideas and create
hypotheses. They give us visual or conceptual manners for thinking about things. They
allow us to make predictions and conduct experiments without all of the difficulties of real-
life objects. Could you imagine trying to explain a plant cell by only using a real plant cell or
trying to predict the next alignment of planets by only looking at them? In general, models
have limitations that should be taken into consideration before any prediction is believed or
any conclusion seen as fact.

Safety in Science

Accidents happen from time to time in everyday life. Since science involves an adventure
into the unknown, it is natural that accidents can happen. Therefore, we must be careful
and use proper equipment to prevent as many accidents as possible (Figure1.7). We must
also be sure to treat any injury or accident appropriately.

Figure 1.7: Safety Symbols: A. Corrosive , B. Oxidizing Agent, C. Toxic, D. High Voltage.
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