CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. What are the characteristics of a good earthquake prediction? Why are these features

  2. Why were Chinese seismologists so successful at predicting the 1975 earthquake in the
    Manchurian province of Liaoning? Why did they fail to predict the 1976 Tangshan
    earthquake and evacuate Guandong Province a month later needlessly?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links


mercalli intensity scale This scale measures the effects of an earthquakes seen on the
land surface and felt by humans. It measures I-XII.

moment magnitude scale This is a logarithmic scale that measures the total energy
released by an earthquake. An increase of one integer indicates a 30-fold increase in
energy released. An increase of two integers indicates a 1,000-fold increase in energy

Richter scale The Richter scale measures the largest jolt produced by an earthquake. It
is a logarithmic scale.

seismogram A seismogram is the printed record of seismic activity produced by a seis-

seismograph An older type of seismometer in which a pen that was suspended and
weighted wrote on a drum that moved with the ground.

seismometer A seismometer is a machine that measures seismic waves and other ground

Points to Consider

  • If you live in an earthquake prone area, how do you feel about your home now that
    you’ve read this section? Since earthquakes are unlikely to be predicted, what can you
    do to minimize the risk to you and your family? If you do not live in an earthquake
    prone area, what would it take to get you to move to one? Also, what risks from
    natural disasters do you face where you live?

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