CK12 Earth Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Which map projection is most useful for navigation, especially near the equator? Ex-

  2. In many cases, maps are more useful than a globe. Why?

  3. Which of the following map projections gives you the least distortion around the poles?
    (a) Mercator projection map
    (b)Robinson projection map
    (c) Conic projection

Further Reading / Supplemental Links


conic map A map projection made by projecting Earth’s three dimensional surface onto
a cone wrapped around an area of the Earth.

coordinate system Numbers in a grid that locate a particular point.

gnomonic map A map projection made by projecting onto a flat paper from just one spot
on the Earth.

latitude An imaginary horizontal line drawn around the Earth parallel to the equator,
which is 0olatitude.

longitude An imaginary vertical line drawn on the Earth, from pole to pole; the Prime
Meridian is 0olongitude.

map A two dimensional representation of Earth’s surface.

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