CK12 Life Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Review Questions

  1. What is parthogenesis?

  2. How can organisms reproduce asexually?

  3. How would sexual reproduction in a lizard be different than a fish?

  4. Are the viable eggs that birds lay need to be fertilized externally?

  5. How do most plants reproduce sexually?

  6. What is the purpose of meiosis?

  7. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

  8. If an organism has 12 chromosomes in its cells, how many chromosomes will be in its

  9. During what phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate?

  10. In what phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes pair up?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links


allele An alternative form of a gene.

asexual reproduction A form of reproduction in which a new individual is created by
only one parent.

binary fission An asexual form of reproduction where a cell splits into two daughter cells.

crossing-over Exchange of DNA segments between homologous chromosomes; occurs dur-
ing prophase I of meiosis.

cross-pollination Sexual reproduction in plants where sperm from the pollen of one flower
is received by the ovary of another flower.

diploid When a cell has two sets of chromosomes.

gametes Cells involved in sexual reproduction; typically egg and sperm cells.

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