CK12 Life Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Chapter 7


7.1 Lesson 7.1: Evolution by Natural Selection

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand that inherited traits, such as the basic color of skin or a person’s bone
    structure, are passed on to future generations.

  • Understand that acquired traits, such as a tan or being good at soccer, are not passed
    on to future generations (they are not inherited).

  • Understand that evolution is change of an inherited trait in a population over many
    generations, such as the change of the color of moths living on an island over many

  • Understand that natural selection means that organisms with traits that help them
    survive in their environment are more likely to survive than organisms without that
    beneficial trait.

  • Understand how evolution explains:

    • Why populations change.

    • Why there are so many different kinds of organisms on Earth.

    • Why some organisms that look alike only distantly related.

    • Why some organisms that look very different actually closely related?

  • Know that both Darwin and Wallace developed the theory of evolution by natural
    selection at the same time.

Check Your Understanding

  • What does the word evolution refer to when used in day to day conversations?

  • What does biological evolution mean?

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