CK12 Life Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

them together again. If the two populations do not interbreed and produce fertile offspring,
they are separate species.

Geographic Isolation

Allopatric speciation happens when groups from the same species are geographically
isolated physically for long periods. Imagine all the ways that plants or animals could be
isolated from each other:

  • a mountain range

  • a canyon water such as rivers, streams, or an ocean

  • a desert

Charles Darwin recognized that speciation could happen when some members of a species
were isolated from the others for hundreds or thousands of years. Darwin had observed
thirteen distinct finch species on the Galápagos Islands that had evolved from the same
ancestor. Several of the finch population evolved into separate species while they were
isolated on separate islands. Scientists were able to determine which finches had evolved
into distinct species by bringing members of each population together. The birds that would
not or could not interbreed are regarded as separate species.

A classic example of geographic isolation is the Abert squirrel, shown inFigures7.27) and
7.28). When the Grand Canyon in Arizona formed, squirrels from one species were separated
by the giant canyon that they could not cross. After thousands of years of isolation from
each other, the squirrel populations on the northern wall of the canyon looked and behaved
differently from those on the southern wall. North rim squirrels have white tails and black
bellies. Squirrels on the south rim have white bellies and dark tails.

Isolation without Physical Separation

Sympatric speciationhappens when groups from the same species stop interbreeding,
because of something other than physical separation, such as behavior. The separation may
be due to different mating seasons, for example. Sympatric speciation is more difficult to

Some scientists suspect that two groups of orcas (killer whales) live in the same part of the
Pacific Ocean part of the year, but do not interbreed. The two groups hunt different prey
species, eat different foods, sing different songs, and have different social structures.

Different behaviors may have also led to the emergence of two Galápagos finch species that
live in the same space. The two species are separated by behavioral barriers such as mating

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