CK12 Life Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

transduction Transfer of DNA between two bacteria with the aid of a bacteriaphage.

transformation Changing phenotypes due to the incorporation (”taking up”) of foreign
DNA from the environment.

spirilli Spiral-shaped bacteria or archaea.

Points to Consider

  • In the next section we will discuss the Archae. “Archae” shares the same root word as
    “archives” and “archaic,” so what do you think it means?

  • What do you think the earliest life forms on Earth looked like?

  • How do you think these early life forms obtained energy?

8.2 Lesson 8.2: Archaea

Lesson Objectives

  • Identify the differences between archaea and bacteria.

  • Explain how the archaea can obtain energy.

  • Explain how the archaea reproduce.

  • Discuss the unique habitats of the archaea.

Check Your Understanding

  • What are the three shapes of bacteria?

Answer: The bacilli are rod-shaped, the cocci are sphere-shaped, and the spirilli are spiral-

  • How do bacteria reproduce?

Answer: Through binary fission, producing genetically identical organisms.

  • How can bacteria be harmful?

Answer: Bacteria can cause diseases such as strep throat. They can also be involved with
food poisoning and biological warfare.
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