CK-12 Understanding Biodiversity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

14.6. Pepsis thisbe: Tarantula Hawk Wasp

  • Order: Hymenoptera

  • Family: Pompilidae

  • Genus:Pepsis

  • Species:P. thisbe


Tarantula hawk wasps (Pepsis thisbe) can be found here in California and in Nevada. Tarantula hawk wasps live in
desert scrub and love warm temperatures. They are most active during summer, but they avoid the hottest part of the
day by going into cool, shady areas like large, leafy trees or shrubs.

Cell Biology

Pepsis thisbehas eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and many other organelles. The nucleus has DNA
and mRNA. MRNA stands for messenger RNA, and mRNA is the chemical blueprints for protein, so it explains how
to make the protein. When mRNA comes out of the nucleus, the mRNA travels into the ribosome. The ribosome is
an important part of the cell. What the ribosome does is translate the mRNA into protein. There is a tunnel called
the endoplasmic reticulum for the protein to travel through. Sometimes the protein is carried by the Golgi bodies.

When there is cell division, there are two processes that can happen, called mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is when the
nucleus of the cell divides itself into two new cells with the same chromosomes as the original cell. When an insect
injures its cells, the cells divide through mitosis so that it can repair itself. Meiosis is when gametes (ex. sperm,
eggs) are made with one half of the chromosomes of the original cell. Chromosomes are made of DNA with genes
that have “codes” for traits.


The first stage of evolution of invertebrates was the multicellularity. With this it would let different cells of the
organism do different jobs for the body. The next stage of the evolution of invertebrates was tissue. When the
invertebrates were evolving, two cell layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm, helped evolve tissue. The ectoderm is
the outer layer, and the endoderm is the inner layer. These cells helped develop different kinds of tissue. Next came
the evolution of organs in invertebrates.


There are very few predators to this species. Two species that eat a tarantula hawk wasp are the roadrunner and the
bull frog. Tarantula hawk wasps are nectivorous, meaning they eat nectar. When they eat fermented fruit, it comes
to the point where flight becomes challenging.

Anatomy and Physiology

The insect’s body is made up of three major parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. The head has the eyes and mouth
parts. The thorax includes the legs and wings.

Insects usually have a pair of antennae located between or in front of the compound eyes. Compound eyes are
eyes that have an array of visual units. Antennae are used for smelling and touching, but insects also use these
appendages for hearing, too. Besides the antennae, most insects have two kinds of eyes: simple eyes, called ocelli
that are sensitive to light, and compound eyes made up of many tiny lenses that record multiple images.

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