CK-12 Understanding Biodiversity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 3. Understanding Biodiversity: The Encyclopedia of Life

3.1 The Encyclopedia of Life


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TheEncyclopedia of Life(EOL; ,

Understanding Biodiversityis made available to the high school student through CK-12 and EOL’s collaboration,
primarily EOL’s Learning + Education group, based in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University
( Biodiversity,is an expanding library of biodiversity information aimed at
the high school biology classroom. IndividualUnderstanding Biodiversityspecies pages will provide information
for each species relevant to the high school biology curriculum: cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and
physiology. If you would like to submit a species page toUnderstanding Biodiversity,email your proposal for
contributions [email protected].

The EOL has developed web-based tools and services that provide visitors enhanced capability to use EOL content
for their own purposes and to contribute to the site and become part of a growing international community interested
in biodiversity. Some of those tools and services are listed below.


NameLinkis a service provided by EOL to quickly identify information associated with taxon names and to
provide common species names. Students can submit a webpage address and have the taxon names within the

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