Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2.16. Geothermal

Figure 16.4:Temperature profile in a typical continent.

For the temperature profile shown in figure 16.4, I calculated that the optimal depth is about 15 km. Under these
conditions, an ideal heat engine would deliver 17mW/m^2. At the world population density of 43 people per square
km, that’s 10 kWh per person per day, ifallland area were used. In the UK, the population density is 5 times greater,
so wide-scale geothermal power of this sustainable-forever variety could offer at most 2 kWh per person per day.

This is the sustainable-forever figure, ignoring hot spots, assuming perfect power stations, assuming every square
metre of continent is exploited, and assuming that drilling is free. And that it is possible to drill 15-km deep holes.

Geothermal power as mining

The other geothermal strategy is to treat the heat as a resource to be mined. In “enhanced geothermal extraction”
from hot dry rocks (figure 16.5), we first drill down to a depth of 5 or 10 km, and fracture the rocks by pumping
in water. (This step may create earthquakes, which don’t go down well with the locals.) Then we drill a second
well into the fracture zone. Then we pump water down one well and extract superheated water or steam from the
other. This steam can be used to make electricity or to deliver heat. What’s the hot dry rock resource of the UK?
Sadly, Britain is not well endowed. Most of the hot rocks are concentrated in Cornwall, where some geothermal
experiments were carried out in 1985 in a research facility at Rosemanowes, now closed. Consultants assessing
these experiments concluded that “generation of electrical power from hot dry rock was unlikely to be technically
or commercially viable in Cornwall, or elsewhere in the UK, in the short or medium term.” Nonetheless, what is
the resource? The biggest estimate of the hot dry rock resource in the UK is a total energy of 130000 TWh, which,
according to the consultants, could conceivably contribute 1.1 kWh per day per person of electricity for about 800

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