Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

3.2. Better transport

Netherlands. There are two circles: the one for cars lies inside the one for bikes, with a comfortable car’s length
separating the two. The priority rules are the same as those of a British roundabout, except that cars exiting the
central circle must give way to circulating cyclists (just as British cars give way to pedestrians on zebra crossings).
Where excellent cycling facilities are provided, people will use them, as evidenced by the infinite number of cycles
sitting outside the Enschede railway station (figure 20.13).

Figure 20.13:A few Dutch bikes.

Somehow, British cycle provision (figure 20.14) doesn’t live up to the Dutch standard.

Figure 20.14:Meanwhile, back in Britain... Photo on right by Mike Armstrong.

In the French city of Lyon, a privately-run public bicycle network, Vélo’v, was introduced in 2005 and has proved
popular. Lyon’s population of 470000 inhabitants is served by 2000 bikes distributed around 175 cycle-stations in
an area of 50km^2 (figure 20.15). In the city centre, you’re usually within 400 metres of a cycle-station. Users join

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