Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 4. Technical Chapters

spaced five diameters apart, won’t radically alter the flow. The natural friction already has an effect that is in the
same ballpark.

Tidal pools with pumping

“The pumping trick” artificially increases the amplitude of the tides in a tidal pool so as to amplify the power
obtained. The energy cost of pumpinginextra water at high tide is repaid with interest when the same water is let
outat low tide; similarly, extra water can be pumped out at low tide, then let back in at high tide. The pumping
trick is sometimes used at LaRance, boosting its net power generation by about 10% (Wilson and Balls, 1990). Let’s
work out the theoretical limit for this technology. I’ll assume that generation has an efficiency ofεg= 0 .9 and that
pumping has an efficiency ofεp= 0 .85. Let the tidal range be 2h. I’ll assume for simplicity that the prices of buying
and selling electricity are the same at all times, so that the optimal height boostbto which the pool is pumped above
high water is given by (marginal cost of extra pumping = marginal return of extra water):


=εg(b+ 2 h).


tidal amplitude (half-

optimal boost (half-

power with pumping
(W/m^2 )

power without pumping
(W/m^2 )
1.0 6.5 3.5 0.8
2.0 13 14 3.3
3.0 20 31 7.4
4.0 26 56 13

Theoretical power density from tidal power using the pumping trick, assuming no constraint on the height of the
basin’s walls.

Defining the round-trip efficiencyε=εgεp, we have

b= 2 h
1 −ε


For example, with a tidal range of 2h= 4 m, and a round-trip efficiency ofε=76%, the optimal boost isb= 13 m.
This is the maximum height to which pumping can be justified if the price of electricity is constant.

Let’s assume the complementary trick is used at low tide. (This requires the basin to have a vertical range of 30 m!)
The delivered power per unit area is then


2 ρgεg(b+^2 h)

(^2) − 1
2 ρg




whereTis the time from high tide to low tide. We can express this as the maximum possible power density without

pumpingεg^2 ρgh

T , scaled up by a boost factor



1 −ε



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