Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Useful Data


Land use area per person(m^2 ) percentage
Total 2670 100

Land areas, in England, devoted to different uses. Source: Generalized Land Use Database Statistics for England

  1. [3b7zdf]

1000 BTU per hour= 0. 3 kW= 7 kW h/d
1 horse power( 1 h por 1cvor 1ps) = 0. 75 kW= 18 kW h/d
1 kW= 24 kW h/d

1 therm= 29. 31 kW h
1000 Btu= 0. 2931 kW h
1 MJ= 0. 2778 kW h
1 GJ= 277. 8 kW h
1 toe (ton of oil equivalent)= 11630 kW h
1 kcal= 1. 163 × 10 −^3 kW h

1 kW h= 0 .03412 3412 3.6 86× 10 −^6859. 7
therms Btu MJ toe kcal

How other energy and power units relate to the kilowatt-hour and the kilowatt-hour per day.

If we add a suffix “p” to a power, this indicates that it’s a “peak” power, or capacity. For example, 10m^2 of panels
might have a power of 1 kWp.

1 kW h/d=



1 toe/y= 1. 33 kW.

Petrol comes out of a petrol pump at about half a litre per second. So that’s 5 kWh per second, or 18 MW.

The power of a Formula One racing car is 560 kW.

UK electricity consumption is 17 kWh per day per person, or 42.5 GW per UK.

“One ton” of air-conditioning = 3.5 kW.

World power consumption

World power consumption is 15 TW. World electricity consumption is 2 TW.

Useful conversion factors

To change TWh per year to GW, divide by 9.

1 kWh/d per person is the same as 2.5 GW per UK, or 22 TWh/y per UK

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