The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
120 The American Civil War

The largely unseasoned Confederate Army
of the Mississippi left Corinth on 3 April.
Muddy roads and the inhospitable terrain,
however, stalled the advance for two days,
forcing Beauregard to conclude that the
element of surprise had been lost. Nonsense,
Johnston remarked on the evening of
5 April, 'I would fight them if they were a
million.' The same evening Buell had made
it to Savannah, a few miles downriver from
Pittsburg Landing. The countryside around
Pittsburg Landing was cut by ravines,

The Battle of Shiloh, 6-7 April 1862

blanketed by heavy underbrush and
blossoming peach trees, and crossed by a
maze of small creeks and old wagon trails
that bisected one another. The only
distinguishing landmark was a small
Methodist church that stood near the main
road to Corinth. The church was known as
Shiloh, which in Hebrew means 'Place
of Peace.'
It was early on Palm Sunday, 6 April,
when a Union patrol ventured out toward
the woods and detected a wave of
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