The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 125

uniform stuffed with straw hanging by the
neck from a scrubby tree limb. Nearby a pine
board was nailed fast, and on it was written
'Halleck outwitted - what will old Abe say?'
Nonetheless, Halleck claimed that the

capture of Corinth the following day was as
'brilliant and important a victory as any
recorded in history.' Lincoln was impressed.
The Union's capture of Corinth broke the
Memphis and Charleston railroad and
disabled the Confederates' east-west link.
Memphis, Tennessee, was now vulnerable to
Union gunboats on the river and foot
soldiers from the east, who pushed their way
toward the city. As thousands of people lined

the river bluffs early on the morning of
6 June to witness what they believed would
be the final river fight, Commodore Charles
Davis steamed downriver and opened the
fight. After two hours of furious gunboat

warfare, the fighting ended at 7.30 am.
The Federals had completely destroyed the
Confederates and a few hours later the
mayor surrendered the city. With
Memphis in Union hands, the Federals could

use it as a supply base as they moved
downriver. The Mississippi was now open all
the way to Vicksburg, Mississippi, considered

This portrait of William T. Sherman conveys the
image of the Union general as described by a
contemporary, who wrote that Sherman was 'the
most American looking man I ever saw, tall and lank,
not very erect, with hair like thatch.' (Ann Ronan
Picture Library)

Situation after the fall of Corinth, 30 May 1862

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