The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 127

about the size of France. Fighting in battle
constituted one brand of warfare, but
attempting to maintain supremacy in the
occupied regions while respecting the
constitutional rights of Southern civilians,
including their right to own slaves, would
soon demoralize soldiers and Northern
civilians alike. Thus the summer of 1862 was
a defining period not so much in combat,
but rather in how far Union authorities

Or the morning of 6 June 1862, thousands of residents
lined the river bluffs to view the Battle of Memphis. It
took less than two hours for the Union fleet to reduce
the city, and the Union used the Mississippi River city as
a base for the Vicksburg expedition. (Ann Ronan
Picture Library)

and the Union populace would go in
continuing to support Lincoln's desire to
fight a war that made ultimate peace and
reunion possible.
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