The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
How the period ended 161

war on the South, not just its armies. At a
time when the Northern economy and
leadership had harnessed the industrial and
technological advances, they had military
commanders who would utilize these
resources and bring the war to a close.
By July 1863, the war seemed almost
endless for Southern soldiers. Morale was
rapidly plummeting in the Confederacy due
to military setbacks. Grant had eliminated an
entire army from further military action, yet
had sustained fewer than 10.000 casualties
himself. Such exploits caused Treasury
Secretary Salmon P. Chase to remark to
Massachusetts Governor William Sprague,
'Our military prospects now look really
bright.' The people all along the
[Mississippi] River, and throughout the

Western Mississippi are abjectly submissive.'
Although most Confederates were still
committed to Southern independence, they
increasingly turned against the Davis
administration. The fall of Vicksburg eroded
the solidarity of purpose between the civilian
populace and Confederate authorities.
The Confederacy could win the war if they
went on the offensive and frustrated the
Union armies on the field. Victory in the
west might turn the Northern populace away
from the Lincoln administration and force
political leaders to consider a negotiated
peace. Though the Union held the upper
hand in the west in the summer of 1863.
only time would tell if they could sustain
their domination in the occupied zones while
fighting the Rebels on the field of battle.
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