The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 179

key ground and Lee's great opportunity had
passed. Controversy still rages over the
efficacy of Sickles' relocation, and about
Longstreet's lassitude in moving to battle.
Impeccable hindsight shows convincingly
that Lee's decision to attack the next day,

Confederate Colonel Waller T. Patton fell dreadfully
wounded at the height of 'Pickett's Charge.' He died
18 days later as a prisoner of war

Depiction of one segment of the fighting on July 3, from
the immense 19th-century cyclorama painting by
Philippoleaux, the largest piece of Gettysburg art and
probably the most famous. (Ann Ronan Picture Library)

3 July, against Meade's center, was his worst
of the war. He doubtless undertook the
forlorn hope because it seemed the only
remaining option he had to get at his
enemy. The Army of Northern Virginia had
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