The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
226 The American Civil War

Army of Northern Virginia abandoned
Maryland, Howard wrote in his diary: 'Feel
very much depressed at the gloomy prospect
for our State. I look around me constantly to
see as much of it as I can before leaving it.'
As the army crossed the Potomac into
Virginia, bandsmen gladly struck up 'Sweet
Home,' but that seemed 'a mockery' to the
Marylanders. Howard 'could not refrain from
some bitter tears as I ... looked back to our
beloved State.'

For 10 months after Gettysburg, the exiled
lieutenant performed staff duty under
General George H. Steuart, a West Point
graduate with 'Old Army' ideas about
organization and discipline. The summer
after Gettysburg passed without a major
engagement. During the lull, Howard and his
mates fought against the elements and
against logistical defects - just as has every
army in every era. In September 1863, he
wrote disgustedly in his diary: 'Raining like
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