The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

258 The American Civil War

men fought like tigers, and Sherman could
make little headway against such a
determined and well-led foe.

With Union plans stymied, Grant directed
Thomas to order his men forward. The
Union commander hoped that if men from
the Army of the Cumberland seized the first
row of rifle pits, it would draw Confederate
reinforcements from the flanks and assist
Sherman and Hooker. To the shock of both
Grant and Thomas, who were standing
together, soldiers in the Army of the
Cumberland not only crashed through the
first line of defense, they kept on going. An
annoyed Grant asked who gave that order,
saying there would be 'hell to pay,' Thomas
admitted knowing nothing. As the defenders
fell back, the Yankee troops pursued so
closely that Rebels higher up the slope could
not fire for fear of shooting their own men.
Confederates, moreover, had chosen their
primary line on the actual, not the military,
crest, which created dead spaces where
gunfire could not touch anyone. Federals
discovered that as they clambered up the

incline, they gained these pockets of
protection from enemy fire, and Rebels could
not depress their artillery guns enough to hit
them. On 25 November, the Army of the
Cumberland exacted revenge for the
Chickamauga disaster. They utterly shattered
the center of Bragg's line.
Cleburne's division acted as rear guard and
blocked Union pursuit. Still, Bragg had to fall
back 30 miles (48km) to Dalton, Georgia, to
regroup. The men in the Army of the
Tennessee had no confidence in Bragg's
leadership; the turmoil of high command and
the detachment of Longstreet's men had
caused severe damage to the morale of the
men. A week after the debacle at Chattanooga,
Bragg resigned as army commander.
Nor did Longstreet's Knoxville
expedition reap benefits to the Confederate
cause. He advanced on Burnside, delayed,
and when he did finally attack, it failed.
After the rout of Bragg's army, Grant rushed
Sherman with two corps to help relieve
Burnside. As the Federals approached,
Longstreet slipped away.

The battles for Chattanooga

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