The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 259

Shake-up in the high commands

Now that Chattanooga was firmly in Union
hands. Grant hoped to revive plans for a
major campaign against Mobile, a valuable
port still under Rebel control. Instead, the
administration offered a litany of missions,
none of which would significantly advance
the Union toward its ultimate goal of
defeating the Rebels. What Grant wanted to
do was launch a campaign from New
Orleans to Mobile, and from there press
northeast toward Atlanta, while Thomas
moved from Chattanooga to Atlanta. The
administration countered with a proposal
that he strike into Texas.
Before they worked out their differences,
though. Lincoln and Congress had concluded
that the nation's most successful combat
commander should direct the war effort.

Congress passed legislation to create the rank
of lieutenant-general, and Lincoln signed it
into law. There was no disagreement over
who should receive the promotion. They
established the law with Grant in mind.

Major-General Joseph Hooker and his troops drove the
Rebels from Lookout Mountain. Grant's plan called for
Hooker to pinch the Confederates from the west while
Sherman pressured them from the east, and Thomas
threatened their center. As it turned out Hooker carried
Lookout Mountain, Sherman bogged down in narrow and
well-defended terrain, and Thomas's men stormed the
heights of Missionary Ridge, gaining a resounding victory
for the Federals. (Library of Congress)

In early March, Grant traveled to
Washington to receive the promotion in
person. Originally, he had intended to stay
in the nation's capital briefly, just long
enough to draft plans for the spring
campaigns and resolve some command
issues. Before he went, Sherman had advised
him to return west. The politics in
Washington were poison; all Grant had to do
was look at Halleck to see how the pressures
had affected him.
Once there,, Grant soon realized that he
must establish his headquarters in the east.
Everyone from the politicians to the press to
the public at large expected him to oversee
the campaign against Lee. In their eyes, Lee's
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