The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 267

20 July, Hood executed Johnston's plan by trying to strike
Thomas's army as it crossed over Peachtnee Creek, using
men from Stewart's and Hardee's corps. Thomas
repulsed the attack.
22 July Hood pulled Hardee's corps out of the trenches
around Atlanta and sent it on a wide march around the
Union flank. Scouts saw the movement, but Hardee's late
arrival convinced the Federals that the movement had
been canceled. McPherson s army fought off the attack
McPherson was killed in the battle.
28 July Sherman sent Howard around to the west, to
sever the railroad connections to Macon and the west
Stephen D. Lee's corps attacked him and was repulsed.
When cavalry raids failed to destroy the railroads
effectively, Sherman secured his hold on his supply line,

the Western & Atlantic Railroad, and shifted the bulk of
his army to the south. Schofield struck the Macon &
Western Railroad near Rough and Ready. Part of
Thomas's army advanced about halfway between Rough
and Ready and Jonesboro. and Howard's army moved on
Jonesboro. On 31 August Hardee's and Lee's corps
attacked Howard and were repulsed. Lee had to
withdraw, and Sherman tried to destroy Hardee's corps.
He called down Thomas and part of Schofeld's
commands. Although the Union attacks were successful,
Hardee withdrew south with most of his corps. On
2 September; men from Thomas's and Schofield's
commands attacked Hardee at Lovejoy's Station. Later
that day, the remainder of Hood's army arrived, and the
forces skirmished for a few days before Sherman
withdrew his troops to Atlanta.

The Western & Atlantic Railroad, which ran from
Chattanooga to Atlanta, became part of Sherman's and
Johnston's lifeline during the Atlanta campaign. From a

military standpoint, Allatoona Pass proved extremely
important. The photograph, looking northward,
demonstrates the narrowness of the area and indicates
how important control of it was for both sides,
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