The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
270 The American Civil War

With the help of slave labor: the Confederates erected
some stiff defensive works around Atlanta. The photograph,
taken from the viewpoint of the Rebel cannoneers by
George Barnard in 1864, shows the protection afforded
them, the open terrain for effective firing, and some
obstructions to impede attackers. (Library of Congress)

chronic and severe pain. He also lacked
experience at high command. Yet despite his
disabilities, there was no denying his
aggressive spirit.

With Johnston's plan, Hood attacked
Thomas's army on 20 July, as it tried to cross
Peachtree Creek. Veterans in the Army of the
Cumberland beat them back. He then
attempted to send Hardee's corps on a
lengthy march around Sherman's left to roll
up the flank. Even though Federals had seen
them on the march, Hardee's late attack
caught them off guard. In the battle, the
Yankees lost McPherson, who accidentally
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