The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The fighting 279

Tennessee marched to Tuscumbia, Grant
realized that any pursuit by Sherman made
no sense. His trusted lieutenant must strike
out for the coast with the bulk of his army,
yet return enough men to Nashville for
Thomas to defend Middle Tennessee.
A large part of Thomas's command came
from Sherman's army during the Atlanta
campaign. Major-General James Harrison
Wilson took back 12,000 unmounted
cavalrymen, armed with seven-shot Spencer
repeating carbines, and began combing the
region for fresh horses and equipment.
Schofield's X Corps and the IV Corps under
Major-General David Stanley gathered
around Pulaski, Tennessee, to check a
northward advance. Grant directed A. J.
Smith's two divisions of 10,000 veterans,
fresh from the defeat of Price, to move by
rail from Missouri to Nashville, and

Major-General James B. Steedman brought
back 5,200 men from occupation duty along
Sherman's old railroad supply line. In
Nashville itself, Thomas had some post
guards, quartermaster troops, and 14 artillery
batteries to supplement the command.
Finally, on 19 November 1864, Forrest's
cavalry led Hood's advance, followed by the
three corps. Scouts estimated Schofield's
forces at around 15,000. With about
30,000 infantry and artillery and
5,500 horsemen, Hood hoped to push north
rapidly, slip around the Federal force, and
seize Columbia, compelling Schofield to
fight his way to Nashville. Despite nasty
weather and deep mud, the Confederates
made good progress. After some initial
hesitation, Schofield detected Hood's plan
and narrowly beat Forrest's cavalrymen back
to Columbia. The Yankees occupied some

ABOVE Sherman's Left Wing advanced up toward
Madison and swung down through Eatonton and into
Milledgeville. From there, they pushed on through
Sandersonvile, Milen. and into Savannah.
Sherman's Extreme Right Wing dipped down via

McDonough and through Jackson and Cinton to just north
of Macon. They then struck out for Savannah by way of
Milen and Statesborough. Once William Hazen's Division
stormed Fort McAIister on 13 December, Sherman had a
secure communication Iine to the US Navy.

The Savannah campaign

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