The American Civil War - This Mighty Scourge of War

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
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6 4 The American Civil War

Lincoln visited the Army of the Potomac in early
October, hoping to prod McClellan into advancing
against Lee's army. As he and a companion looked over
the army's headquarters camp one morning. Lincoln
asked the man what he saw. The Army of the Potomac,
came the answer. 'No, you are mistaken,' said Lincoln,'that
is General McClellan's bodyguard.' In this photograph,
Lincoln and McClellan sit stiffly in the General's field
tent. (Library of Congress)

been too audacious. Thousands of
Confederates had fallen at Antietam when
Lee stood to gain very little either tactically
or strategically. The decision to remain on
the field on the 18th, with a powerful enemy
in his front and just a single ford available to
reach Virginia, might have jeopardized his
entire army. He had driven his worn army
relentlessly, misjudging the men's physical
capacity and watching thousands fall out of

the ranks from hunger, debility or a simple
unwillingness to be pushed any further. The
army had survived, however, and as it lay in
camps near Winchester, Lee congratulated
the soldiers who had discharged their duty.
History offered 'few examples of greater
fortitude and endurance than this army has
exhibited,' he assured them, 'to your tried
valor and patriotism the country looks with
confidence for deliverance and safety.'
Lee did not exaggerate how important his
soldiers' activities would be to future
Confederate morale. No one could claim a
clear-cut success for the army. Marylanders
had not rushed to the Confederate colors,
and the army fell back to Virginia long
before Lee had expected. Yet he had
accomplished many of his logistical goals by
virtue of McClellan's failure to press him

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