Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
TopIC II | transatlantic ideas in a north american Context 77

Virginia Baptist

istorical society.

prACTICINg historical Thinking

Identify: What is the focal point of this image?
Analyze: What does the focal point tell us about the social structures and values of
this Baptist congregation?
Evaluate: Compare this pulpit to the image in Document 3.14. What are the sim-
ilarities? What are the differences? What differences might each represent in their
parishioners’ ideas about social hierarchy?

ApplyINg Ap® historical Thinking Skills

cO mbInIng sKIlls REvIEW Comparison and Contextualization

As you’ll recall from the previous chapters, when you compare or contextualize, you think
broadly about historical events. These two skills complement each other because when you
determine a broad context, you invite comparisons. Consider the following prompt:

Although Benjamin Franklin (Doc. 3.11), George Whitefield (Doc. 3.12), and Jonathan
Edwards (Doc. 3.13) wrote these documents within two years of each other, each
presented seemingly different views of human nature. Characterize the context
in which British subjects in North America produced these views and the extent
to which they conflicted with each other. Refer to the documents above and your
knowledge of the time period to make your case.

sTEP 1 Rereading and Analyzing
Reread the documents by Benjamin Franklin (Doc. 3.11), George Whitefield (Doc. 3.12), and
Jonathan Edwards (Doc. 3.13). Determine at least four similarities, and list them in the chart
below regarding human nature:

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