Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

162 ChaPTER 6 | GrowinG painS | period three 175 4 –18 0 0

Cause and effect: This model looks at a series of phenomena that occur in conse-
quence of preceding phenomena.

As a result of increased tensions with unstable regimes in France and
England, the Jeffersonian Republicans, who emphasized states’ rights
against the pro-British Federalists, more closely fulfilled the ideals of
the Declaration of Independence.

Comparison and contrast: This model invites a comparison or contrast between
competing phenomena.

Although Jeffersonian Republicans and Federalists both acknowledged
the importance of an independent, American economy and govern-
ment, the Jeffersonians’ suspicions of a strong central government put
them closer to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

Concession and refutation: This model anticipates the counterargument and then
addresses it.

Admittedly, the Jeffersonian Republicans advocated states’ rights in the
spirit of independence and support of the common man’s labor; however,
such support countered the efforts of the Federalists to create a strong
federal government that ultimately upheld the goals of the Declaration of

Second, it is useful to develop a working vocabulary of transitional terms that
help create a linear argument. The transitional words appear in boldface in the
above sample thesis statements.

Cause and effect
As a result,




Comparison and contrast


putting it all together 163

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