Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
164 Chapter 6 | GrowinG Pains | Period Three 175 4 –18 0 0

Similar to


Concession and refutation


Even though


These words also can appear within a body paragraph, especially as you look
at the ways in which cause and effect may complement comparison and contrast
or concession and refutation. The following body paragraph illustrates multiple
uses of these words in support of a single claim from the sample prompt above.

The Federalists’ argument may appear to support monarchical rule, but
their principles were based on a more enlightened approach to the rights
of man. [claim] As a result of John Locke’s Second Treatise, the Federal-
ists pursued the practice of “the public good of society” (1690), which
meant creating laws to bring people into a state of civilization. Admittedly,
Jeffersonians advocated the pursuit of individual rights, but such pursuits
led to discriminatory practices, such as the restrictive voting rights intro-
duced by the state of Georgia in 1777. Both parties valued the passions
of individual rights, and both feared the oppressive nature of a strong
controlling government; yet the Federalists more actively sought to avoid
“schemes of oppression,” as described in Madison’s Federalist No. 10.

Consider the following prompt in developing a linear argument:

In what ways did economic and environmental factors give rise to politi-
cal identities in the United States between 1781 and 1797?

Step 1 Understand the prompt, and identify the key words

Draw a square around your topic (“political identities in the United States be-
tween 1781 and 1797”), draw a line underneath your task (“give rise to”), and
draw a circle around the categories (“economic and environmental factors”).

Step 2 Brainstorm

The nature of this prompt invites three distinct categories for your evidence, as
shown in the table below. Complete the table, using all the available sources as
well as outside knowledge from your textbook. Some are completed for you.

Putting it all Together 165

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