Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
city’s representation in a state government which already taxed city property and com-
mercial income more heavily than agricultural land and produce. Charleston’s appeals
for aid to internal improvements went unheard in the rest of the state. Then, in 1828,
her languishing economy seemed further threatened by the new federal tariff.

Jane H. Pease and William H. Pease, “The Economics and Politics of Charleston’s Nullification
Crisis,” Journal of Southern History 47, no. 3 (August 1981): 335–362, 336.

What is Pease and Pease’s main point in the second interpretation?

steP 3 Which document or documents above (Docs. 7.1–7.4) best support Ericson’s
argument in his passage above? Which document or documents best support Pease and
Pease’s argument in their passage above? Explain your answers.

steP 4 Answer the following in two paragraphs, each with a claim and evidence. In your
response, provide one piece of information from the nullification crisis that is not included in
these passages.

Which of these interpretations analyzes the nullification crisis through an economic lens?
Which of these interpretations analyzes the nullification crisis through a political and
ideological lens? How do these respective lenses shape each of the arguments in each

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