Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
248 Chapter 10 | Expansionism: part 2 | period Five 184 4 –1877

that evidence in ways that will persuade multiple audiences. Consider the fol-
lowing prompt:

How did developments in labor and technology influence American
expansion westward? To what extent did these developments contribute
to domestic political conflicts?

Step 1 Understand the prompt, and identify the key words

This prompt, unlike previous prompts, provides two questions for you to consider.
The key words how and to what extent ask for you to demonstrate your under-
standing of two cause-and-effect relationships.

Step 2 Generate a working thesis

Consider and practice the use of subordination in your thesis statement.

Step 3 Identify and organize your evidence

Given the more complex nature of this task, the following suggestions will pro-
vide some ideas on how to reflect that complexity in your writing.

Use a categorical (point-by-point) outline.

Avoid the either/or fallacy (or provide concessions).

Locating the counterargument means first considering what the opposing
sides may be. This prompt features two influences of technological development—
westward expansion and domestic political conflicts. There are potential argu-
ments to consider that may run counter to your thesis.

Option 1
Note the construction of the prompt, and determine whether westward expansion
opposed domestic political conflicts. The question asks you to reflect on a causal
relationship. To what extent did westward expansion influence domestic political
conflicts? A review of the documents of this chapter and your class notes suggests
that technological influences did have differing effects and that many of the gains
that westward expansion provided (by virtue of technological development) were
offset by domestic political conflicts, which were highlighted by the Civil War.

Option 2
Consider how each stem of the prompt invites opposing views or counter-
arguments. Developments in labor and technology may have had both pos-
itive and negative influences on domestic policy. Consider, for example, the
ongoing subjugation of native peoples or the rise of nativism in response to an
international workforce.

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