Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
250 ChapTer 10 | expansionism: part 2 | period Five 18 44 –1877

Note: It is possible to present several counterarguments throughout your essay
rather than in the clear-cut division outlined above. For example, the prompt asks
you to respond to two distinct claims—one on the causes of westward expan-
sion and another on the influence of domestic policy. Because different causes of
westward expansion could have had different influences on domestic policy, your
outline may be nuanced as you separate counterarguments by distinct causes and
effects. Here is an example of such an outline:

I. Introduction

II. Cause 1 of westward expansion

A. Discouragement of domestic policy (counterargument)

B. Encouragement of domestic policy

III. Cause 2 of westward expansion

A. Discouragement of domestic policy (counterargument)

B. Encouragement of domestic policy

IV. Conclusion

steP 5 Draft your essay

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