Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
260 Chapter 11 | the UNION UNDONe? | period Five 1844 –1877

Document 11.5 Republican Campaign Song

In this election song from 1856, Republican presidential candidate John C. Frémont
(1813–1890) is portrayed as the protector of American liberty. During the election, the
Republican Party’s slogan supported restricting the spread of slavery in the West.

praCtiCing historical thinking

Identify: What does “furious storm” refer to in the first stanza?
Analyze: Why does this campaign song make a reference to Kansas? You may
need to consult your text and class notes to help you with this question.
Evaluate: In what ways is the campaign song both a moral and a legal call to action?

Library of Congress rare Book and Special Collections

ivision, america Singing:


Song Sheets.

topiC i | the Breakdown of Compromise 261

Behold! the furious storm is rolling,
Which border fiends, confederates, raise,
The dogs of war, let loose, are howing,
And lo! our infant cities blaze,
And shall we calmly view the ruin,
While lawless force with giant stride,
Spreads desolation far and wide,
In guiltless blood his hands imbruing?
Arise, arise, ye brave!
And let our war cry be,
F ,  ,  ,  ,
Oh, Liberty! can he resign thee,
Who once has felt thy generous flame ¿
Can threats subdue or bolts confine thee,
Or whips thy noble spirit tame ¿
No! by the heavens bright bending o’er us,
We’ve called our captain to the van—
Behold the hour—behold the man!
Oh, wise and valiant, go before us!
Then let the shout again,
Ring out from sea to sea,
F ,  ,  ,  ,
F-  .
Hurrah, hurrah, from hill and valley;
Hurrah from prairie wide and free!
Around our glorious chieftain rally,
For Kansas and for liberty!
Let him who first her wilds exploring,
Her virgin beauty gave to fame,
Now save her from the curse and shame
Which slavery o’er her soil is pouring.
Our standard bearer then,
The brave path finder be!
F ,  ,  ,  ,

LYRICS (enlarged for readability)

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