Documenting United States History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
296 ChapTER 12 | War and eManCipation | period Five 18 44 –1877 TopIC III | reconstruction^297

Library of Congress

prints and


ivision, LC-USZ62-121735.

pR aCTICIng historical Thinking

Identify: What demographic group does each character in the cartoon represent?
Analyze: Whom do the characters in the image represent, and how does Nast
convey his opinion of them?
Evaluate: In what ways were Reconstruction efforts hindered more by political and
economic conflicts than by social rejection of freed slaves?

document 12.14 Sharecropper contract

Sharecropper contracts, such as this from the Grimes family, used debt to tie poor, land-
less, formerly enslaved African Americans in the South to an agricultural system that kept
them poor and benefited white landowners.

To every one applying to rent land upon shares, the following conditions must be
read, and agreed to. To every 30 and 35 acres, I agree to furnish the team, plow,

for Southern African Americans. In this Thomas Nast cartoon, the caption quotes the
Democratic Platform of 1872.

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